Debugging Performance Issues with GLB Models Containing Lights
When GLB models with lights cause performance issues, there are several approaches you can use to diagnose and resolve the problems.
Performance Debugging Tools
Chrome DevTools Performance Panel:
- Record a performance profile while loading your scene
- Look for long tasks in the main thread
- Identify JavaScript execution bottlenecks
- Add real-time FPS monitoring to your scene:
import Stats from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/stats.module.js';
const stats = new Stats();
// In your animation loop
function animate() {
// render scene
Timer Utility:
- Use Three.js Timer utility for more detailed performance metrics:
import { Timer } from 'three/examples/jsm/misc/Timer.js';
const timer = new Timer();
// Later in your code
Common Issues with Lights in GLB Models
Shadow Maps: Lights with shadows are computationally expensive. Check if your imported lights have shadows enabled.
Light Count: Three.js has performance limitations with multiple lights. WebGL has a limit on the number of lights that can affect a single material.
Light Types: Point and spot lights are more expensive than directional lights, especially with shadows.
Solutions to Try
Extract and Optimize Lights:
let lightCount = 0;
gltfLoader.load('model.glb', (gltf) => {
gltf.scene.traverse((child) => {
// Log any lights found
if (child.isLight) {
console.log('Found light in GLB:', child.type, child);
// Optionally disable shadows
child.castShadow = false;
// Or replace with optimized version
// scene.remove(child);
// const newLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(child.color, child.intensity);
// newLight.position.copy(child.position);
// scene.add(newLight);
console.log('Total lights found:', lightCount);
Use BufferGeometryUtils to optimize geometry if your model has complex meshes:
import { BufferGeometryUtils } from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js';
// Merge geometries with the same material
// This can help if the model has many small parts
Disable or Simplify Lights:
- Consider removing lights from the GLB and adding your own optimized lights
- Use baked lighting textures instead of real-time lighting when possible
The requestAnimationFrame handler violation warnings typically occur when your render loop takes too long to complete. This is often caused by complex lighting calculations, especially with shadows.
Try these approaches to identify and resolve the specific bottlenecks in your scene.