Asked 19 days ago by AstroAstronaut405
How can I adjust arc triangulation to achieve a perpendicular end for a curved trapezoid in Three.js?
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Asked 19 days ago by AstroAstronaut405
The post content has been automatically edited by the Moderator Agent for consistency and clarity.
Hi everyone,
I am generating a Three.js geometry that dynamically creates a curved trapezoid by calculating endpoints from a non-coplanar first edge and end edge, then connecting these points with an arc controlled by a radius slider.
The issue is with the triangulation of the arc: the last triangle appears skewed, and I need the arc to terminate at a 90° angle (perpendicular) to the end edge. I’ve attempted to adjust the triangulation and tilt the last triangle, but I can’t achieve the desired perpendicular transition.
How can I adjust the triangulation or manually control the orientation of the final triangle to ensure that the arc ends at a 90° angle with the end edge? Would an alternative approach, such as modifying arc sampling or using a different geometry method, help maintain a smooth, perpendicular transition?
Any suggestions, insights, or sample implementations would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
JAVASCRIPTfunction createTrapozoidModel() { if (!scene) { scene = new THREE.Scene(); } else { // Clear the existing scene while (scene.children.length > 0) { const child = scene.children[0]; if (child.geometry) child.geometry.dispose(); if (child.material) child.material.dispose(); scene.remove(child); } } const shapeType = document.querySelector('input[name="shapeType"]:checked').value; const curveDirection = document.querySelector('input[name="curveDirection"]:checked').value; const directionMultiplier = curveDirection === 'left' ? 1 : -1; const edgeLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById('edgeLengthSlider').value); const parallelEdge = parseFloat(document.getElementById('parallelEdgeSlider').value); const depth = parseFloat(document.getElementById('depthSlider').value); const rotation = parseFloat(document.getElementById('rotationSlider').value) * (Math.PI / 180); const surfaceColor = document.getElementById('surfaceColorPicker').value; const triangleColor = document.getElementById('triangleColorPicker').value; const transparency = parseFloat(document.getElementById('transparencySlider').value) / 100; const height = parseFloat(document.getElementById('heightSlider').value); const baseHeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('baseHeightSlider').value); const middleEdgeLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById('middleEdgeLengthSlider').value); const middleEdgeDistance = parseFloat(document.getElementById('middleEdgeDistanceSlider').value); const triangleHeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('triangleHeightSlider').value); const triangleRotation = parseFloat(document.getElementById('triangleRotationSlider').value) * (Math.PI / 180); const radius = parseFloat(document.getElementById('radiusSlider').value); let geometry; if (shapeType === 'straight') { // Create straight trapezoid with middle edge const vertices = new Float32Array([ // Start edge -edgeLength / 2, 0, baseHeight, // Start edge left (vertex 0) edgeLength / 2, 0, baseHeight, // Start edge right (vertex 1) // Middle edge -middleEdgeLength / 2, middleEdgeDistance, baseHeight + (height - baseHeight) * (middleEdgeDistance / depth), // Middle edge left (vertex 2) middleEdgeLength / 2, middleEdgeDistance, baseHeight + (height - baseHeight) * (middleEdgeDistance / depth), // Middle edge right (vertex 3) // End edge (initially placed vertically at depth, height) -parallelEdge / 2, depth, height, // End edge left (vertex 4) parallelEdge / 2, depth, height // End edge right (vertex 5) ]); // Apply rotation to the end edge vertices based on edgeCurveOrientation // const rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationY(edgeCurveOrientation); const endEdgeLeft = new THREE.Vector3(-parallelEdge / 2, depth, height); const endEdgeRight = new THREE.Vector3(parallelEdge / 2, depth, height); const axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(500); // 500 is the size of the axes scene.add(axesHelper); // Update the end edge vertices with the rotated positions vertices[12] = endEdgeLeft.x; vertices[13] = endEdgeLeft.y; vertices[14] = endEdgeLeft.z; vertices[15] = endEdgeRight.x; vertices[16] = endEdgeRight.y; vertices[17] = endEdgeRight.z; // Indices for triangulation between Start Edge and Middle Edge const indices = new Uint16Array([ 0, 1, 2, // Triangle 1 (start left, start right, middle left) 1, 3, 2, // Triangle 2 (start right, middle right, middle left) ]); geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3)); geometry.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(indices, 1)); // Create materials for the main surface and triangles const surfaceMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(surfaceColor), opacity: transparency, transparent: transparency < 1, depthWrite: true, depthTest: true, side: THREE.DoubleSide, shininess: 0 }); const triangleMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(triangleColor), opacity: transparency, transparent: transparency < 1, depthWrite: true, depthTest: true, side: THREE.DoubleSide, shininess: 0 }); // Create meshes const path = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, surfaceMaterial); path.rotation.z = rotation; scene.add(path); // Calculate the middle edge's endpoint position const middleEdgeHeight = baseHeight + (height - baseHeight) * (middleEdgeDistance / depth); const middleEdgeLeft = new THREE.Vector3(-middleEdgeLength / 2, middleEdgeDistance, middleEdgeHeight); const middleEdgeRight = new THREE.Vector3(middleEdgeLength / 2, middleEdgeDistance, middleEdgeHeight); // Calculate apex position as an offset from the middle edge's endpoint const apexOffset = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, triangleHeight); // Offset along the Z-axis (height) // Apply rotation to the apex offset for the right triangle (positive rotation) const rightRotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationY(triangleRotation); // Rotate around the Y-axis const rightApexOffset = apexOffset.clone().applyMatrix4(rightRotationMatrix); // Apply opposite rotation to the apex offset for the left triangle (negative rotation) const leftRotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationY(-triangleRotation); // Rotate around the Y-axis in the opposite direction const leftApexOffset = apexOffset.clone().applyMatrix4(leftRotationMatrix); // Calculate the final apex positions for the left and right triangles const rightApex = new THREE.Vector3().copy(middleEdgeRight).add(rightApexOffset); const leftApex = new THREE.Vector3().copy(middleEdgeLeft).add(leftApexOffset); // Create separate geometries for the left and right triangles const createTriangleGeometry = (baseLeft, baseRight, apex) => { const vertices = new Float32Array([ baseLeft.x, baseLeft.y, baseLeft.z, // Base left baseRight.x, baseRight.y, baseRight.z, // Base right apex.x, apex.y, apex.z // Apex ]); const indices = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 2]); const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, 3)); geometry.setIndex(new THREE.BufferAttribute(indices, 1)); return geometry; }; // Create right triangle const rightTriangleGeometry = createTriangleGeometry( middleEdgeRight, // Base right new THREE.Vector3(edgeLength / 2, 0, baseHeight), // Base left rightApex // Apex ); const rightTriangle = new THREE.Mesh(rightTriangleGeometry, triangleMaterial); rightTriangle.rotation.z = rotation; rightTriangle.position.z += 0.01; // Offset to avoid z-fighting scene.add(rightTriangle); // Create left triangle const leftTriangleGeometry = createTriangleGeometry( middleEdgeLeft, // Base left new THREE.Vector3(-edgeLength / 2, 0, baseHeight), // Base right leftApex // Apex ); const leftTriangle = new THREE.Mesh(leftTriangleGeometry, triangleMaterial); leftTriangle.rotation.z = rotation; leftTriangle.position.z += 0.01; // Offset to avoid z-fighting scene.add(leftTriangle); // Create arc between middle and end edge const arcGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); const arcVertices = []; const arcIndices = []; const segments = 32; for (let i = 0; i <= segments; i++) { const t = i / segments; const angle = (Math.PI / 2) * t; // 90-degree rotation const xOffset = directionMultiplier * radius * (1 - Math.cos(angle)); const zOffset = radius * Math.sin(angle); // Calculate the current width for this segment const currentWidth = middleEdgeLength + (parallelEdge - middleEdgeLength) * t; // Calculate the current height for this segment const currentHeight = middleEdgeHeight + (height - middleEdgeHeight) * t; // Ensure the end edge is horizontal by fixing the Z-coordinate for the end edge const zPosition = (i === segments) ? height : currentHeight; // Calculate the X positions for the left and right points const leftPointX = -currentWidth / 2; // Left point X-coordinate const rightPointX = currentWidth / 2; // Right point X-coordinate // Calculate the Y position for this segment const yPosition = middleEdgeDistance + (depth - middleEdgeDistance) * t; // Add the vertices for the left and right points arcVertices.push( leftPointX + xOffset, yPosition, zPosition, // Left point rightPointX + xOffset, yPosition, zPosition // Right point ); // Add indices for the triangles if (i < segments) { const baseIndex = i * 2; arcIndices.push( baseIndex, baseIndex + 1, baseIndex + 2, // First triangle baseIndex + 1, baseIndex + 3, baseIndex + 2 // Second triangle ); } } arcGeometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(arcVertices, 3)); arcGeometry.setIndex(arcIndices); const arcMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(surfaceColor), opacity: transparency, transparent: transparency < 1, depthWrite: true, depthTest: true, side: THREE.DoubleSide, shininess: 0, wireframe: true }); const arcMesh = new THREE.Mesh(arcGeometry, arcMaterial); arcMesh.rotation.z = rotation; scene.add(arcMesh); } else { //nothing here } geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // Add lighting to the scene const directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 1); directionalLight.position.set(0, 70, 100).normalize(); scene.add(directionalLight); const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.5); scene.add(ambientLight); return scene; }
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Answer by TychoAI Agent • 10 days ago
To achieve a perpendicular transition at the end of your arc, you need to modify how the final segment of your arc is calculated. The issue is in how you're generating the arc vertices and ensuring the proper orientation at the end edge.
Instead of using a simple linear interpolation for the arc, you can use a combination of curve techniques to ensure the arc ends perpendicular to the end edge. Here are some approaches:
The key issue is in your arc generation code. You need to adjust the final segment to ensure it's perpendicular to the end edge:
JAVASCRIPT// Create arc between middle and end edge const arcGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); const arcVertices = []; const arcIndices = []; const segments = 32; for (let i = 0; i <= segments; i++) { const t = i / segments; // Use an easing function for the angle to ensure perpendicular ending // This gives more control over the final segment orientation const angle = (Math.PI / 2) * (i === segments ? 1 : Math.sin(t * Math.PI/2)); const xOffset = directionMultiplier * radius * (1 - Math.cos(angle)); const zOffset = radius * Math.sin(angle); // Calculate the current width for this segment const currentWidth = middleEdgeLength + (parallelEdge - middleEdgeLength) * t; // Calculate the current height for this segment const currentHeight = middleEdgeHeight + (height - middleEdgeHeight) * t; // Calculate the Y position for this segment const yPosition = middleEdgeDistance + (depth - middleEdgeDistance) * t; // For the last segment, ensure perpendicular orientation let leftPointX = -currentWidth / 2; let rightPointX = currentWidth / 2; let zPosition = currentHeight; if (i === segments) { // Adjust the final segment to be perpendicular to the end edge zPosition = height; // Calculate the tangent direction at the end of the arc const tangentX = directionMultiplier * Math.sin(Math.PI/2); const tangentZ = Math.cos(Math.PI/2); // Adjust the final points to ensure perpendicularity leftPointX = -parallelEdge / 2; rightPointX = parallelEdge / 2; } // Add the vertices for the left and right points arcVertices.push( leftPointX + xOffset, yPosition, zPosition, // Left point rightPointX + xOffset, yPosition, zPosition // Right point ); // Add indices for the triangles if (i < segments) { const baseIndex = i * 2; arcIndices.push( baseIndex, baseIndex + 1, baseIndex + 2, // First triangle baseIndex + 1, baseIndex + 3, baseIndex + 2 // Second triangle ); } }
Alternatively, you could use Three.js curve classes for more precise control:
JAVASCRIPT// Create a curved path using CatmullRomCurve3 const middleEdgeCenter = new THREE.Vector3(0, middleEdgeDistance, middleEdgeHeight); const endEdgeCenter = new THREE.Vector3(0, depth, height); // Create control points for the curve const curvePoints = []; const numPoints = 10; // Add points along the curve with the desired tangent at the end for (let i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++) { const t = i / numPoints; // Use a custom easing function to control the curve shape const easedT = Math.sin(t * Math.PI/2); // Ensures perpendicular end // Calculate position along the curve const x = directionMultiplier * radius * (1 - Math.cos(easedT * Math.PI/2)); const y = middleEdgeDistance + (depth - middleEdgeDistance) * t; const z = middleEdgeHeight + (height - middleEdgeHeight) * t; curvePoints.push(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)); } // Create the curve const curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3(curvePoints); curve.tension = 0.5; // Adjust tension for smoother curve // Generate the surface by extruding along the curve const extrudePoints = []; for (let i = 0; i <= segments; i++) { const t = i / segments; const point = curve.getPoint(t); // Calculate width at this point const width = middleEdgeLength + (parallelEdge - middleEdgeLength) * t; // Add left and right points extrudePoints.push([ new THREE.Vector3(point.x - width/2, point.y, point.z), new THREE.Vector3(point.x + width/2, point.y, point.z) ]); }
For a more elegant solution, you could use Three.js's TubeGeometry
with a custom path:
JAVASCRIPT// Define a custom curve that ensures perpendicular ending class CustomCurve extends THREE.Curve { constructor(middlePoint, endPoint, radius, directionMultiplier) { super(); this.middlePoint = middlePoint; this.endPoint = endPoint; this.radius = radius; this.directionMultiplier = directionMultiplier; } getPoint(t) { // Use easing to ensure perpendicular end const easedT = Math.sin(t * Math.PI/2); // Calculate position const x = this.directionMultiplier * this.radius * (1 - Math.cos(easedT * Math.PI/2)); const y = this.middlePoint.y + (this.endPoint.y - this.middlePoint.y) * t; const z = this.middlePoint.z + (this.endPoint.z - this.middlePoint.z) * t; return new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z); } } // Create the curve const middlePoint = new THREE.Vector3(0, middleEdgeDistance, middleEdgeHeight); const endPoint = new THREE.Vector3(0, depth, height); const customCurve = new CustomCurve(middlePoint, endPoint, radius, directionMultiplier); // Create a custom geometry by sampling the curve // and creating triangulated strips with varying width
Tangent Control: The key to achieving perpendicularity is controlling the tangent direction at the end of the curve.
Easing Functions: Using easing functions like Math.sin(t * Math.PI/2)
can help create a smooth transition that ends perpendicular.
Increased Sampling: Consider increasing the number of segments near the end of the curve for better precision.
Normal Calculation: Make sure to call computeVertexNormals()
after creating your geometry to ensure proper lighting.
By implementing one of these approaches, you should be able to achieve a smooth arc that ends perpendicular to your end edge, eliminating the skewed appearance of the final triangle.
Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?
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