I'm running into an issue with my OneDrive download node in n8n: it completes with a 'Node executed successfully' message, yet produces no output to pass to the next node.
Previously, I ran a similar workflow using the Google Drive download node with a smaller MP3 file, which worked fine. Now, I'm handling multiple MP3 and MP4 files via a OneDrive trigger node, and I suspect the node may be overwhelmed—especially since the MP4 file is around 450,000 KB. My goal is to download only the most recent audio file and send it to the OpenAI transcribe node.
My questions are:
• How can I fix the OneDrive download issue so that it produces output?
• How can I split a large audio file into smaller segments that the OpenAI node can process, and then combine the transcriptions?
I've been using n8n cloud (n8n@1.77.0, SQLite, on Windows 11), and although some similar issues have been addressed on self-hosted setups using ffmpeg, I prefer to remain on n8n cloud for now.
Please refer to my workflow shared below:
(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)