Hi everyone! I’ve encountered an issue with the AI Agent node in n8n that involves both memory handling and database lookups.
- AI Agent ignoring the vector database
If the AI Agent fails to retrieve information from the vector database multiple times, it records in Tool Memory (Postgres Chat Memory1) that it "doesn’t know". After that, it gets stuck and relies solely on this memory without checking the vector database again. If I clear the memory manually, it returns to fetching data from the vector database properly.
Has anyone experienced this? How can I force the AI Agent to always check the vector database rather than being stuck on a negative memory record?
- Automatic cleanup of old messages in Postgres Memory
I have Postgres connected as Tool Memory, set to retain the last 5 messages. I’m wondering:
- Should old records be automatically deleted, or do they remain permanently?
- If they persist, how can I set up an automatic cleanup routine?
Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated.