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Asked 1 month ago by UranianEngineer703

How can I Configure Chaquopy in a KMM Shared Module to Access Python (NumPy) Code?

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I'm developing a Kotlin Multiplatform app and need to use Python (with the numpy package) in the shared module for processing .pkl files.
I followed the official setup as described in the Official Setup Link-Kotlin.

My configuration files are as follows:


KOTLIN = "Assignment" enableFeaturePreview("TYPESAFE_PROJECT_ACCESSORS") pluginManagement { repositories { google { mavenContent { includeGroupAndSubgroups("androidx") includeGroupAndSubgroups("") includeGroupAndSubgroups("") } } mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal() } } dependencyResolutionManagement { repositories { google { mavenContent { includeGroupAndSubgroups("androidx") includeGroupAndSubgroups("") includeGroupAndSubgroups("") } } mavenCentral() } } include(":composeApp") include(":shared")

Project -> build.gradle.kts

plugins { // this is necessary to avoid the plugins to be loaded multiple times // in each subproject's classloader alias(libs.plugins.androidApplication) apply false alias(libs.plugins.androidLibrary) apply false alias(libs.plugins.composeMultiplatform) apply false alias(libs.plugins.composeCompiler) apply false alias(libs.plugins.kotlinMultiplatform) apply false id("com.chaquo.python") version "16.0.0" apply false }

Shared -> build.gradle.kts

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.ExperimentalKotlinGradlePluginApi import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.JvmTarget plugins { alias(libs.plugins.kotlinMultiplatform) alias(libs.plugins.androidLibrary) id("com.chaquo.python") } kotlin { androidTarget { @OptIn(ExperimentalKotlinGradlePluginApi::class) compilerOptions { jvmTarget.set(JvmTarget.JVM_11) } } listOf( iosX64(), iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64() ).forEach { iosTarget -> iosTarget.binaries.framework { baseName = "Shared" isStatic = true } } sourceSets { androidMain.dependencies { } iosMain.dependencies { } commonMain.dependencies { implementation(libs.multik.core) implementation(libs.multik.kotlin) } } } android { namespace = "com.assignment.shared" compileSdk = compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 } defaultConfig { minSdk = ndk { // On Apple silicon, you can omit x86_64. abiFilters += listOf("arm64-v8a") } } } chaquopy { defaultConfig { buildPython ("/usr/local/bin/python3") } productFlavors { } sourceSets { } }

I receive the following warning:

Warning: Failed to compile to .pyc format: [/usr/local/bin/python3] does not appear to be a valid Python command. See

Although running python3 in the terminal works, importing Python in the shared module fails.

How can I adjust my Chaquopy configuration to successfully import Python (and access numpy) in my KMM application?

EDIT: I'm open to suggestions on alternative libraries or workarounds for processing .pkl files in a KMM project (iOS & Android), or converting the Python script into Kotlin/Multik.

Below is the Python script used for processing:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pickle def seg_stride(sig, dz, f_start, est_t): """! Estimate stride start and end for walking segment @param sig Moving standard deviation of heel @param dz Depth difference between heels @param f_start Start frame of walking segment @param est_t Estimated duration of one stride @return fp_lr Estimated frames for stride [start, end] """ cur_len = len(sig) m_thres = np.mean(sig[sig < np.median(sig)]) # get the mean for values less than median [idx] = np.where(np.diff((sig < m_thres) * 1) > 0) # the search start point for each stride, where the heel z goes below threshold # Filter idx such that there is only one in each stride # upward zero-crossings to nearest time step [upcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] <= 0) & (dz[1:] > 0)) # downward zero-crossings [downcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] >= 0) & (dz[1:] < 0)) if len(upcross) >= len(downcross): cross = upcross else: cross = downcross cross = np.concatenate([[0], cross, [cur_len]]) filtered_idx = [] # Iterate through the intervals in downcross for i in range(len(cross) - 1): start = cross[i] end = cross[i + 1] # Find elements in idx that are in the interval (start, end) elements_in_interval = idx[(idx >= start) & (idx < end)] # If there is exactly one element, keep it; otherwise, keep the smallest element if len(elements_in_interval) >= 1: filtered_idx.append(elements_in_interval[0]) # Convert filtered_idx back to a numpy array filtered_idx = np.array(filtered_idx) num_fp = len(filtered_idx) # no. of strides if num_fp > 1: fp = np.zeros((num_fp)) # refine and record the corresponding frame for k in range(num_fp): cur_t = filtered_idx[k] cur_sig = sig[cur_t : min(cur_len, cur_t + round(0.25 * est_t))] # search space for one stride, start point to 1/4 of estimated stride or end of vid # locate the local minimum s_idx = np.argmin(cur_sig) t2 = min(cur_len, cur_t + s_idx) t1 = max(0, cur_t - round(0.2 * est_t)) # what is this for? t_idx = np.argmax(dz[t1 : t2 + 1]) # checking step to see if there is an earlier peak? fp[k] = f_start + t1 + t_idx # set fp_left: each row is [start frame, end frame] of a valid stride fp_lr = np.zeros((num_fp - 1, 2), dtype=int) for k in range(num_fp - 1): fp_lr[k, 0] = int(fp[k]) fp_lr[k, 1] = int(fp[k + 1]) else: fp_lr = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int) return fp_lr def dist2plane_new(points, ground_plane): """! Project 3D points to plane and compute shortest distance @param points Input 3D points @param ground_plane ground plane parameters (a,b,c,d) @return projected_points Projected points on ground plane @return distance Shortest distance between points and plane """ a, b, c, d = ground_plane projected_points = [] distance = [] for point in points: s, u, v = point t = (d - a * s - b * u - c * v) / (a * a + b * b + c * c) # point closest to plane x = s + a * t y = u + b * t z = v + c * t dist = abs(a * s + b * u + c * z + d) / (np.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c)) projected_points.append([x, y, z]) distance.append(dist) return np.array(projected_points), np.array(distance) def refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, cur_t, c_margin, nb_frames): # set local segment t1 = max(0, cur_t - c_margin) t2 = min(nb_frames - 1, cur_t + c_margin) # refine the start of stride by finding the largest decrease in heel angle idx = local_argmin_diff(angle, t1, t2) t = t1 + idx # further refine by ensuring foot is on ground at t if t not in foot_on: # if foot not on ground, adjust to next frame when foot is on ground next_foot_on = foot_on[(foot_on - t)>0] if len(next_foot_on)>0: t = next_foot_on[0] return t def find_boundaries(fp, angle, angle_other, foot_on, est_t, nb_frames): c_margin = round(est_t / 10) t = [] # refine stride boundaries (foot on) for k in range(len(fp)): # refine start and end of stride t_start = refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, fp[k, 0], c_margin, nb_frames) t_end = refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, fp[k, 1], c_margin, nb_frames) # find foot offs if t_end >= t_start+4: # if next foot on is at least 4 frames ahead # find foot off - min angle between start and end of stride t_fo = t_start + local_argmin(angle, t_start, t_end) # if current foot off is at least 2 frames ahead of start if t_fo >= t_start+2: # find other foot off to_fo = t_start + local_argmin(angle_other, t_start, t_fo) t.append([t_start, to_fo, t_fo, t_end]) return t def combine_left_right(fp1, fp2): # foot ons t_strides = [t[0] for t in fp2] + [t[-1] for t in fp2] t_strides = sorted(set(t_strides)) t_strides = np.array(t_strides) refined_fp = [] for fp in fp1: other_foot_on = t_strides[(t_strides>fp[1]) & (t_strides<fp[2])] if len(other_foot_on) == 1: refined_fp.append([fp[0], fp[1], other_foot_on[0], fp[2], fp[3]]) return np.array(refined_fp) def params_est_lidar(pose_data, fp_walk_list, ground_plane): """! Estimate gait parameters based on 3D pose data by identifying corresponding timestamps @param pose_data 3D pose data (28 key points) for ('L_HEAD' 'R_HEAD' 'SGL' 'CV7' 'TV10' 'L_SAE' 'R_SAE' 'MID_L_HE' 'MID_R_HE' 'MID_L_SP' 'MID_R_SP' 'L_IAS' 'R_IAS' 'MID_IPS' 'L_FLE' 'R_FLE' 'L_FME' 'R_FME' 'L_FAL' 'R_FAL' 'L_TAM' 'R_TAM' 'L_FCC' 'R_FCC' 'L_FM2' 'R_FM2' 'L_FM5' 'R_FM5') @param fps Video frame rate @param fp_walk_list List of walking segments [[start1, end1, start2, end2], [s1,e1,s2,e4],...] @param ground_plane ground plane parameters (a,b,c,d) @return t_left Corresponding consecutive timestamps for left cycle @return t_right Corresponding consecutive timestamps for right cycle @return estimated stride lengths: stride_left, stride_right @return gait parameters output """ # set 3D points left_heel = pose_data[:, 22, :] # L_FCC right_heel = pose_data[:, 23, :] # R_FCC left_toe = pose_data[:, 24, :] # L_FM2 (idx: 25) right_toe = pose_data[:, 25, :] # R_FM2 (idx: 26) # get number of frames nb_frames = pose_data.shape[0] # finding boundaries of each stride # depth difference dz = right_heel[:, 2] - left_heel[:, 2] # upward zero-crossings to nearest time step [upcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] <= 0) & (dz[1:] > 0)) # downward zero-crossings [downcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] >= 0) & (dz[1:] < 0)) # estimate the duration of one stride diff_up = np.diff(upcross).tolist() diff_down = np.diff(downcross).tolist() est_t = np.median(diff_up + diff_down) print('The estimated duration of one stride is %d frames' % est_t) # use the 2D-based phase segmentation results to set walking segments (change on 02/07/2023) # take input list and run in loop for walk-turn-walk (22/01/2024) fp_left = [] fp_right = [] print("number of complete round of walk-forward, walk-backward: ", len(fp_walk_list)) for fp_walk in fp_walk_list: f_start1 = fp_walk[0] f_end1 = fp_walk[1] f_start2 = fp_walk[2] f_end2 = fp_walk[3] # for 1st walking segment (walk towards camera) # for left foot sig1 = left_heel[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023) dz1 = dz[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1] fp1_left = seg_stride(sig1, dz1, f_start1, est_t) # for right foot sig2 = right_heel[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023) dz2 = -dz1 fp1_right = seg_stride(sig2, dz2, f_start1, est_t) # for 2nd walking segment (walk away from camera) # for left foot sig1 = -left_heel[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1, 2] # add negative dz1 = -dz[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1] fp2_left = seg_stride(sig1, dz1, f_start2, est_t) # for right foot sig2 = -right_heel[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023) dz2 = -dz1 fp2_right = seg_stride(sig2, dz2, f_start2, est_t) fp_left.append(fp1_left) fp_left.append(fp2_left) fp_right.append(fp1_right) fp_right.append(fp2_right) #print('Finished for loop') fp_left = np.vstack(fp_left) fp_right = np.vstack(fp_right) # Further processing to identify single support, double support, and refine stride boundaries #print('Starting Step3') # Step 3: Calculate distance to plane and angles between foot and floor # angle between left foot and floor plane [pp1, dz1] = dist2plane_new(left_heel, ground_plane) [pp2, dz2] = dist2plane_new(left_toe, ground_plane) perpendicular = dz2 - dz1 # height difference between left heel and toe relative to ground plane base = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(pp2 - pp1, 2), 1)) # distance between left heel and left toe left_angle = np.arctan2(perpendicular, base) left_angle = left_angle * 180 / np.pi # convert to degree # angle between right foot and floor plane [pp1, dz1] = dist2plane_new(right_heel, ground_plane) [pp2, dz2] = dist2plane_new(right_toe, ground_plane) perpendicular = dz2 - dz1 base = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(pp2 - pp1, 2), 1)) right_angle = np.arctan2(perpendicular, base) right_angle = right_angle * 180 / np.pi # convert to degree # distance between ankles and floor [ppl, dzl] = dist2plane_new(left_heel, ground_plane) [ppr, dzr] = dist2plane_new(right_heel, ground_plane) # compute when each foot is on ground left_foot_on = np.where(dzl < dzr)[0] right_foot_on = np.where(dzr < dzl)[0] #print('Starting Step4') # Step 4: refine boundaries of each stride and further divide into # double support (DS1), single support, and double support (DS2) # refine stride boundaries (foot on) and find foot offs t_left = find_boundaries(fp_left, left_angle, right_angle, left_foot_on, est_t, nb_frames) t_right = find_boundaries(fp_right, right_angle, left_angle, right_foot_on, est_t, nb_frames) # combine left and right times t_left = combine_left_right(t_left, t_right) t_right = combine_left_right(t_right, t_left) return t_left, t_right # , stride_left, stride_right, output def local_argmin(sig, start, end): """! Find local minimum index @param sig Signal @return Local minimum index """ if end <= start: idx = 0 else: idx = np.argmin(sig[start : end + 1]) return idx def local_argmin_diff(sig, start, end): """! Find local minimum index of difference @param sig Signal @return Local minimum index """ if end <= start: idx = 0 else: idx = np.argmin(np.diff(sig[start : end + 1])) return idx with open('input_output/in3.pkl','rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) print(f'{data}') pose_data_3d_norm = data['pose_data_3d_norm'] fp_walk = data['fp_walk'] ground_plane = data['ground_plane'] [t_left, t_right] = params_est_lidar(pose_data_3d_norm, fp_walk, ground_plane)

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2 Answers

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


Below is one suggested solution to help you both get Chaquopy’s Python interpreter working on Android and access numpy—and to point out why this approach won’t automatically work on iOS.

1. Fixing the Python Command Warning

The warning

  Warning: Failed to compile to .pyc format: [/usr/local/bin/python3] does not appear to be a valid Python command…

means that Chaquopy cannot invoke the Python executable you supplied via the buildPython call. Even if you can run “/usr/local/bin/python3” in your terminal, the Gradle build environment may not see that path in the same way. Try the following:

  • Check the PATH from Gradle’s environment. You might need to use a command that is available to the Gradle daemon. One approach is to install your desired Python interpreter so that “python3” (or “python”) is available in the PATH.
  • Update your Chaquopy configuration. The Chaquopy docs recommend ensuring the Python command is valid for byte-compilation. For Android, you can often omit an explicit buildPython path and let Chaquopy choose its own python distribution, or use a path known to work in your environment.

For example, you might try removing the explicit buildPython call from your configuration or changing it to simply:

chaquopy { defaultConfig { buildPython("python3") } // … }

Then verify on the command line (within the Gradle environment) that running “python3 –V” returns the expected version.

2. Including Numpy with Chaquopy

To ensure numpy is available to your Chaquopy interpreter you need to list it as a pip dependency. Modify your Chaquopy configuration in your shared module’s build.gradle.kts as follows:

chaquopy { defaultConfig { // Use a valid python command as mentioned above. buildPython("python3") } pip { // Add numpy (and any other required packages) to your pip requirements. install("numpy") } // productFlavors and sourceSets can remain empty if not used. }

This tells Chaquopy to package numpy with your application so that when your Python code runs on Android you can import it without issue.

3. Accessing Python from Your Shared Module

Since you mention “importing python in shared module’s class does not get imported,” double-check that:

  • You have initialized the Python interpreter in your Kotlin code. For example, on Android you typically call:

    if (!Python.isStarted()) { Python.start(AndroidPlatform(context)) } val py = Python.getInstance() val mod = py.getModule("your_module") // your python file (without .py extension)
  • The Python source files are placed in the appropriate Chaquopy source directory (typically under src/main/python or as configured).

Make sure that your Python code (for example, your numpy‑based operations) is located in the proper directory so that Chaquopy picks it up when packaging.

4. Multiplatform Limitations & Alternatives

Keep in mind:

  • Chaquopy works only on Android. If you are building a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) app, Chaquopy’s Python interpreter will run only on Android. There isn’t a similar supported embedding method for iOS using Chaquopy.
  • For cross‑platform requirements (iOS & Android):
    • You might consider rewriting your numerical code in Kotlin. Libraries such as Multik are a good alternative to numpy for many types of array operations.
    • Alternatively, if your Python code involves complex logic that is hard to port, you could create a microservice that runs your numpy code remotely and have both platforms communicate with it.


  1. Fix the executable path by ensuring the Python command you supply (or allow Chaquopy to select by default) is valid in the Gradle build environment.
  2. Add numpy explicitly via Chaquopy’s pip section so that it gets packaged.
  3. Initialize and import Python modules correctly in your Kotlin code.
  4. Remember that this solution applies only to Android. For a multiplatform approach (Android and iOS), you may need to either port your numpy code into Kotlin (using Multik) or use an alternative cross‑platform backend.

By following these steps you should be able to fix the warning and import numpy successfully on Android. For iOS you’ll need a different approach because Chaquopy is not available on that platform.

Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?

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Answer by StellarCaptain762 2 months ago


It may be possible to use Chaquopy within a Kotlin Multiplatform project, but since Chaquopy only supports Android, it would have to be configured in an Android-specific way and would only be availble in the Android version of your app.

For this specific error, it looks like you've configured it to use the Python executable at /usr/local/bin/python3, but no such path exists. Try removing the buildPython line and letting Chaquopy find Python automatically. If that doesn't work, set it to a valid path.

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