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Asked 1 month ago by VenusianPioneer552

Why Does My FFT of a Damped Driven Oscillator Peak at an Unexpected Frequency?

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I am simulating a periodically forced damped oscillator defined by the equation:

x'' + 2G x' + f0^2 x = F cos(ft)


  • G is the damping coefficient
  • f0 is the natural frequency
  • f is the driving frequency
  • F is the drive strength

I solve this differential equation for x(t), extract its steady-state portion, and then compute its Fourier transform to plot the power spectral density (PSD). I expect the PSD peak to occur near the driving frequency, f, but it appears at a different frequency instead.

Below is my code:

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq G=1.0 f0=2 f1=5 F=1 N=500000 T=50 dt=T/N t=np.linspace(0,T,N) u=np.zeros(N,dtype=float) # Position v=np.zeros(N,dtype=float) # Velocity u[0]=0 v[0]=0.5 for i in range(N-1): u[i+1] = u[i] + v[i]*dt v[i+1] = v[i] - 2*G*v[i]*dt - (f0*f0)*u[i]*dt + F*np.cos(f1*t[i])*dt slice_index=int(20/dt) U=u[slice_index:] X_f = fft(U) frequencies = fftfreq(len(U), dt) psd = np.abs(X_f) positive_freqs = frequencies[frequencies > 0] plt.plot(positive_freqs, psd[frequencies > 0], label="Simulated PSD") plt.plot(frequencies, psd)

I expected that after reaching steady state the oscillator’s response would peak around the driving frequency (f). However, the computed FFT shows a peak that doesn't correspond to f. What am I doing wrong?


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3 Answers

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


The issue is due to a units mismatch between the driven oscillator’s forcing term and the frequencies returned by the FFT.

Your equation uses

  x″ + 2G·x′ + f₀²·x = F·cos(f₁·t)

Here f₁ = 5 is an angular frequency (radians per second). However, the FFT (via fftfreq) returns frequencies in cycles per second (Hz). In other words, the FFT peak appears near f₁/(2π) ≈ 5/(2π) ≈ 0.8 Hz, not 5.

How to Fix

There are two common approaches:

  1. Convert the FFT frequency axis to angular frequency. Multiply the FFT frequencies by 2π:
    angular_frequencies = 2*np.pi*frequencies plt.plot(angular_frequencies[angular_frequencies > 0], psd[frequencies > 0], label="Simulated PSD (angular)") plt.xlabel("Angular frequency (rad/s)")
  2. Change the forcing term to use a cyclic frequency. Replace cos(f₁·t) with cos(2π·f₁_cyc·t), where f₁_cyc is the driving frequency in Hz. For f₁ = 5 rad/s, f₁_cyc ≈ 0.8 Hz:
    f1_cyc = 5/(2*np.pi) # Then in the loop use: # F * np.cos(2*np.pi * f1_cyc*t[i])

Either way, you’ll then see the peak where you expect it.


The peak in the FFT appears at about 0.8 Hz because that is 5 rad/s converted to Hz. Adjust your frequency units accordingly to see the expected response peak.

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Answer by AuroraKeeper609 1 month ago


Your frequencies f0 and f1 are applied in the finite-difference model in rad/s. This may or may not have been your intention.

However, your frequencies from the FFT are in cycles/s.

Since you are using the symbol f, rather than omega, I would guess that you want them in cycles/s. In your finite-difference model then you would have to use 2.PI.f in both locations where you put an f before. Specifically in the line

v[i+1] = v[i] - 2*G*v[i]*dt - (2 * np.pi * f0 ) ** 2 * u[i]*dt + F*np.cos( 2 * np.pi * f1*t[i] ) * dt

Then you get peak energy at a frequency of 5 Hz. (Trim the x-axis scale.)

You are very heavily damped, BTW. Also, you aren't strictly plotting PSD.

enter image description here

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq G=1.0 f0=2 f1=5 F=1 N=500000 T=50 dt=T/N t=np.linspace(0,T,N) u=np.zeros(N,dtype=float) # Position v=np.zeros(N,dtype=float) # Velocity u[0]=0 v[0]=0.5 for i in range(N-1): u[i+1] = u[i] + v[i]*dt v[i+1] = v[i] - 2*G*v[i]*dt - (2 * np.pi * f0 ) ** 2 * u[i]*dt + F*np.cos(2 * np.pi * f1*t[i] ) * dt slice_index=int(20/dt) U=u[slice_index:] X_f = fft(U) frequencies = fftfreq(len(U), dt) psd = np.abs(X_f) positive_freqs = frequencies[frequencies > 0] plt.plot(positive_freqs, psd[frequencies > 0], label="Simulated PSD") plt.xlim(0,10)

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Answer by NebularScout928 1 month ago


There are several things that need to be improved:

  • First, the model. As already mentioned the differential equation is written using frequencies but these should be angular frequencies. More importantly, the second order differential equation of a harmonic oscillator is typically parametrized with a natural frequency w0 and a damping ratio with a pre-factor 2*w0. In your equation the w0 is missing from the pre-factor, therefore it is now included in damping G (which thereby becomes resonant-frequency dependent).
  • Second, the solution method. The code implements a 'rectangle rule' for integration but that has poor performance and thus needs very large N. A much better approach would be to employ a 4th order Runge Kutta method. Since you already use scipy, try odeint:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq pi2 = 2 * np.pi # input: G=.2 # the damping f0=2 # natural frequency fd=5 # driving frequency F=1 # driving force amplitude N=5000 T=5 # compute w0 and wd w0 = pi2 * f0 wd = pi2 * fd # x''+ 2Gx' + w0^2 x = F cos(wd*t) # Write this a a system of first order ODE's by defining v = dx/dt: # x' = v # v' = F * cos(wd*t) - 2 G*w0*v - w0**2 * x def osc(y, t, F, G, wd): x, v = y dydt = [v, F*np.cos(wd*t) - 2*G*w0*v - w0**2*x] return dydt # the time steps: t=np.linspace(0,T,N) # the initial conditions for x and v y0 = [0, 0.5] # solve the ODE sol = odeint(osc, y0, t, args=(F, G, wd)) # and plot the result: plt.plot(t, sol[:, 0], 'g', label='x(t)') plt.plot(t, sol[:, 1], 'r', label='v(t)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('t') plt.grid()
  • Third, to show that the transfer function peaks at the natural frequency you need to run the above simulation for different frequencies and plot the amplitude. Although that is possible, it is much easier to do this from theory. From the top of my head, for a force driven oscillator the differential equation is:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt G=.2 # the damping w0=2 # natural frequency w = np.linspace(0, 10, 200) transfer_function = 1 / (w0**2 + 2*1j*G*w0*w -w**2) plt.plot(w, abs(transfer_function), 'b', label='|H(w)|') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('w') plt.grid()

Transfer function of damped mass-spring system

If the plot above is made on a log scale, it can be seen that at higher frequencies the amplitude decays with 1/w**2 (2 orders of magnitude per frequency decade) unless the damping is made high and becomes the dominant term, in that case the initial slope will be 1/w (one order of magnitude per decade).

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