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Asked 1 month ago by NovaAstronaut847

How can I extract only the third slash-delimited field (the filename) from each header column using bash or awk?

The post content has been automatically edited by the Moderator Agent for consistency and clarity.

I have a file where the header row contains full file paths, and I want to extract and print just the file name (the third value when splitting by '/') for each column. There are over 100 columns, so I need an efficient solution.

E.g. Input header row:

AAF2Y7VM5-8/cnv/F04_reads.tsv    AAF2Y7VM5-7/cnv/D04_reads.tsv    AAF2Y7VM5-6/cnv/E04_reads.tsv

Goal output header row:

F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

I tried using this awk command:

awk -F '[/|\t]' '{if (NR==1) {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf $i"\t"}}' ZScores.txt

But it outputs all delimited values for every column. How can I modify the command (or use another bash/awk/sed approach) to output only the third value from each column?

Any help is appreciated!


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8 Answers

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


Below is one solution using awk. This command processes only the first line (the header), loops over each field, splits its value on "/" and prints the last item (the file name):

awk 'NR==1 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { n = split($i, parts, "/"); printf "%s\t", parts[n]; } print ""; }' ZScores.txt


  • NR==1: Only processes the header row.
  • for loop: Iterates over every field (column) in the header.
  • split($i, parts, "/"): Splits each column's value into an array "parts" using "/" as the delimiter.
  • parts[n]: Retrieves the last element of the array (i.e., the file name).
  • printf "%s\t": Prints each file name followed by a tab delimiter.
  • print "": Adds a newline at the end of the output.

This will produce an output header row like:

F04_reads.tsv    D04_reads.tsv    E04_reads.tsv

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Answer by OrbitalHunter349 1 month ago


a non-awk solution

$ sed 1q file | tr -s ' ' \n | cut -d/ -f3 | paste -sd' '

extract first row, transpose to column, cut the 3rd field, serialize back to a row

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Answer by PulsarRover784 1 month ago


1st solution: With your shown samples please try following.

{ while(match($0,/(\/[^\/]*\/.)([^.]*\.tsv)/,arr)){ val=(val?val OFS:"") arr[2] $0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH) } $0=val } 1 ' Input_file

2nd solution: if ok with perl onliner solution

-nle 'print join(" ", /([^\/]+_reads\.tsv)/g)' Input_file

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Answer by SupernovaPioneer819 1 month ago


I would exploit GNU AWK for this task following way. Let file.txt content be TAB-sheared file with following content:

AAF2Y7VM5-8/cnv/F04_reads.tsv AAF2Y7VM5-7/cnv/D04_reads.tsv AAF2Y7VM5-6/cnv/E04_reads.tsv something something something something something something


awk 'BEGIN{FS="/";RS="[\t\n]";ORS="\t"}{print $3}RT=="\n"{exit}' file.txt

gives output

F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

Explanation: I inform GNU AWK that record are separated by TAB or newline character and fields are separated by / and print value should be suffixed with \t, rather than newline. I instruct GNU AWK to print 3rd field and if row terminator (RT) is newline I instruct GNU AWK to stop (exit). Output will have trailing TAB and not newline, which is consistent with your original code.

(tested in GNU Awk 5.3.1)

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Answer by StellarProbe171 1 month ago


Using any awk if your fields are tab-separated as they appear to be:

$ awk 'NR==1{gsub("[^ ]+/","")} 1' file F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

Otherwise, using any POSIX awk:

$ awk 'NR==1{gsub("[^[:space:]]+","")} 1' file F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

Change [^[:space:]] to [^ \t] if you don't have a POSIX awk but - get a new awk.

The above assumes your fields cannot contain the space characters that separate your fields. If they can then you need to edit your question to tell us how to identify spaces within fields from spaces between fields.

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Answer by NebularObserver401 1 month ago


Tweaking OP's current code to print every 3rd field:

$ awk -F '[/|\t]' '{if (NR==1) {for(i=3;i<=NF;i+=3) printf $i"\t"}}' ZScores.txt F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

NOTE: there's a trailing \t on that output; also, the line does not end with a \n

Removing the trailing \t, adding a trailing \n, and skipping processing of rest of file:

$ awk -F '[/|\t]' 'NR==1 { for (i=3;i<=NF;i+=3) { printf "%s%s", sep, $i; sep="\t" }; print ""; exit }' ZScores.txt F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv


  • sep is blank for first pass through loop, then set to \t for remaining passes through the loop
  • print "" - terminate the printf line of output with a \n (default output record separator)
  • exit - to keep from reading (and in this case ignoring) rest of file

NOTE: OP's code places a tab (\t) between output values but the expected output shows a single space between values; if OP wishes to separate the output with single spaces then replace sep="\t" with sep=" "

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Answer by MartianMariner516 1 month ago


To just extract first line:

Bash (replace tabs):

( IFS=$'\t' read -ra cols <file; echo "${cols[@]##*/}" )
  • load first line of file into array, columns delimited by (any number of) tabs
  • print array after stripping longest prefix that ends with a slash from each element

Bash (retain tabs):

( shopt -s extglob IFS= read -r cols echo "${cols//+([!$'\t'])\/}" ) <file

Sed (replace tabs):

sed -E 's|[^ ]+/||g; y|\t| |; q' file

Sed (retain tabs):

sed -E 's|[^ ]+/||g; q' file

If the intention is to also retain the whole file as tsv:

Bash: append cat after echo in the "retain tabs" version:

( shopt -s extglob IFS= read -r cols echo "${cols//+([!$'\t'])\/}" cat ) <file

Sed: prefix s command with 1 and elide the q from "retain tabs" version:

sed -E '1s|[^ ]+/||g' file

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Answer by MercurialObserver131 1 month ago



$ echo $(head -n1 file | tr ' ' '\n' | cut -d/ -f3) F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv


$ echo $(head -n1 file | tr ' ' '\n' | awk -F/ 'NF{printf "%s " ,$3}') F04_reads.tsv D04_reads.tsv E04_reads.tsv

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