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Asked 1 month ago by CometRanger594

How can I enable GeoSPARQL in my Dockerized Apache Jena Fuseki setup?

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I have a working Apache Jena Fuseki server running in Docker (version 5.2.0) based on the official Docker tools and a server configuration loaded from a .ttl file. After testing queries and using an OWL rule reasoner, I'd like to add GeoSPARQL support.

According to the GeoSPARQL documentation, integration with Fuseki can be achieved using the GeoSPARQL assembler or by using the self-contained jena-fuseki-geosparql package. The assembler requires the jena-geosparql artifact (and its dependencies) to be on the Fuseki server classpath.

My first attempt involved downloading the jena-geosparql jar and modifying the server start command. Previously, the command was:

exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" $JAVA_OPTIONS -jar "${FUSEKI_DIR}/${FUSEKI_JAR}" "$@"

Now, it is:

exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" $JAVA_OPTIONS -cp "${FUSEKI_DIR}/${GEOSPARQL_JAR}:lib/*" -jar "${FUSEKI_DIR}/${FUSEKI_JAR}" "$@"

Here, ${GEOSPARQL_JAR} points to the downloaded jar file. To include its dependencies, I modified the Dockerfile as follows by adjusting the jlink command:

ARG JDEPS_EXTRA="jdk.crypto.cryptoki," RUN \ JDEPS="$(jdeps --multi-release base --print-module-deps --ignore-missing-deps ${FUSEKI_JAR})" && \ JDEPS_GEO="$(jdeps --multi-release base --print-module-deps --ignore-missing-deps ${GEOSPARQL_JAR})" && \ jlink \ --compress 2 --strip-debug --no-header-files --no-man-pages \n --output "${JAVA_MINIMAL}" \n --add-modules "${JDEPS},${JDEPS_GEO},${JDEPS_EXTRA}"

I also replaced my original config.ttl file with the sample configuration from the GeoSPARQL assembler docs:

PREFIX fuseki: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX tdb2: <> PREFIX ja: <> PREFIX geosparql: <> <#service> rdf:type fuseki:Service; fuseki:name "geo"; fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query; ] ; fuseki:dataset <#geo_ds> . <#geo_ds> rdf:type geosparql:geosparqlDataset ; geosparql:spatialIndexFile "DB/spatial.index"; geosparql:dataset <#baseDataset> ; . <#baseDataset> rdf:type tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ; tdb2:location "DB/" ; .

However, when running the container I encounter the following error:

[2025-02-05 23:08:24] INFO Server :: Apache Jena Fuseki 5.2.0 the root file:///fuseki/config.ttl#geo_ds has no most specific type that is a subclass of ja:Object

Is there something more to configure for GeoSPARQL, or should I consider a different integration approach?


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1 Answer

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


The error

  "the root file:///fuseki/config.ttl#geo_ds has no most specific type that is a subclass of ja:Object"

indicates that when the assembler is loading the configuration, it does not recognize the resource ­– in this case, your “geo_ds” node – as an object type it can assemble. In other words, the automatic registration (via the ServiceLoader mechanism) that should recognize geosparql:geosparqlDataset isn’t taking effect. This situation is common when using a minimal runtime (via jlink) or tweaking the classpath manually: the extra module (or service registration files) required by the GeoSPARQL assembler may not be “visible” or active.

There are two main ways to proceed:

1. Explicitly register the GeoSPARQL assembler class in your configuration.
  You can add a triple to force the use of GeoSPARQL’s assembler. For example, modify your configuration so that the dataset resource explicitly loads the correct assembler class:

PREFIX fuseki: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX tdb2: <> PREFIX ja: <> PREFIX geosparql: <> <#service> rdf:type fuseki:Service; fuseki:name "geo"; fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query; ] ; fuseki:dataset <#geo_ds> . <#geo_ds> rdf:type geosparql:geosparqlDataset ; ja:loadClass "org.apache.jena.geosparql.assembler.GeoSPARQLAssembler" ; geosparql:spatialIndexFile "DB/spatial.index"; geosparql:dataset <#baseDataset> ; . <#baseDataset> rdf:type tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ; tdb2:location "DB/" ; .

This explicit ja:loadClass triple tells the assembler which implementation to use, bypassing any issues with automatic discovery.

2. Use the self-contained integration (jena-fuseki-geosparql).
  Alternatively, the original jena-fuseki-geosparql package integrates GeoSPARQL “out of the box” with Fuseki and may avoid the need to adjust the classpath or modify the configuration. If you choose that approach, simply follow its instructions for adding it to your Fuseki server without splitting out the jena-geosparql jar and its dependencies manually.

Additional notes:

  • When using jlink (or a minimized Java runtime), it is important to ensure that all services and modules required for your use case are really present in the runtime image. Sometimes the minimization process may remove files (like META-INF/services entries) that the ServiceLoader relies on.
  • The explicit ja:loadClass declaration is a good workaround when service registration is compromised.

In summary, your configuration must “tell” Fuseki (via the assembler) what to do with geosparql:geosparqlDataset. Explicitly adding ja:loadClass to the configuration is a straightforward solution if your current minimal runtime configuration is not automatically detecting the GeoSPARQL assembler.

Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?

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