Asked 1 month ago by CosmicEnvoy354
NLopt Fails to Converge on Expected Minimum in C# Ship Stability Simulator
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Asked 1 month ago by CosmicEnvoy354
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I'm developing a physics simulator to model the static behavior of ships floating in water. The simulation calculates the ship's position using three parameters: draft, heel, and trim. These affect the net upward force and the turning moments (heel and trim) generated by forces such as buoyancy and weight. The objective is to balance these forces so that the net upward force and moments are close to zero.
This is formulated as a mathematical optimization problem. I use the NLopt library (via NLoptNet in C#) with three normalization components combined into a single objective function. Changing one parameter affects all objectives, though each parameter has a dominant effect on one of them. Here’s the primary code snippet:
CSHARPdouble OptimizeFunc(double[] parameters) //parameters: Draft, heel and trim { Model.SetPosition(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]); List<Force> forces = new(){ Model.GetBuoyantForce(), Model.GetWeightForce() }; StabilityData stabilityData = StabilityCalculator.Calculate(forces); //calculates net upward force, heeling moment and trimming moment //Values for this specific test const double maxTheoreticalBuoyancy = 26000; const double maxTheoreticalHeelingMoment = 61000; const double maxTheoreticalTrimmingMoment = 128000; double netUpForceComp = Math.Abs(stabilityData.NetUpwardForce / maxTheoreticalBuoyancy); double heelMomComp = Math.Abs(stabilityData.HeelingMoment / maxTheoreticalHeelingMoment); double trimMomComp = Math.Abs(stabilityData.TrimmingMoment / maxTheoreticalTrimmingMoment)); double total = netUpForComp + heelMomComp + trimMomComp; return total; } var parameters = { 0, 0, 0 } ; using (solver = new NLoptSolver(NLoptAlgorithm.LN_BOBYQA, (uint)parameters.Count)) { solver.SetLowerBounds(new double[] {0, -180 , -90}); solver.SetUpperBounds(new double[] {Model.GetModelHeight(), 180 , 90}); solver.SetMinObjective(OptimizeFunc); var nLoptResult = solver.Optimize(new double[] {0, 0 , 0}, out var finalScore); Debug.Print(finalScore) }
The problem is that while NLopt finds a local minimum (with a score around 0.013), manually testing suggests that an optimal solution exists at draft = 0.202, heel = 0, trim = -0.32 with a much lower score (approximately 0.001). Even restricting the parameter bounds around this known solution doesn’t help when starting from {0, 0, 0}.
I’ve tried several fixes including:
• Adjusting normalization weights and increasing the power of each term
• Prioritizing net upward force minimization separately
• Changing the objective to minimize horizontal distances between force centers
None of these approaches led NLopt to consistently find the narrow optimum unless I supplied the correct starting values. I suspect there may be an issue with the sensitivity of the combined objective or the algorithm’s ability to adjust step sizes given the large parameter bounds.
Has anyone experienced similar challenges with NLopt or have suggestions on adjusting the formulation, scaling, or algorithm choice (instead of BOBYQA) to reliably converge on the true optimum?
Additional supporting code for the force and stability calculations is included below:
CSHARPpublic static class StabilityCalculator { public static StabilityCalculatorData CalculateStability(List<Force> forces) { Coordinate center = forces[0].Origin Force netUpwardForce = forces.Sum(f => f.Magnitude * f.Vector.Y); Coordinate totalMoment = new(0, 0, 0); foreach (Force force in forces) { Coordinate relativePosition = force.Origin - center; Coordinate momentVector = Coordinate.CrossProduct(relativePosition, force.Vector * force.Magnitude); totalMoment += momentVector; } return new StabilityCalculatorData { HeelingMoment = totalMoment.Z, YawingMoment = totalMoment.Y, TrimmingMoment = totalMoment.X, NetUpwardForce = netUpwardForce }; } } public class StabilityCalculatorData { public double HeelingMoment { get; set; } // Moment about X-axis public double TrimmingMoment { get; set; } // Moment about Z-axis public double YawingMoment { get; set; } // Moment about Y-axis public double NetUpwardForce { get; set; } // Net upward force in Newtons } public class Force(double magnitude, Coordinate origin, Coordinate vector) { public double Magnitude { get; } = magnitude; public Coordinate Origin { get; } = origin; public Coordinate Vector { get; } = vector.Normalize(); public static Force? Combine(Force? f1, Force? f2) { if (f1 == null && f2 != null) { return f2;} if (f2 == null && f1 != null) { return f1;} if (f1 == null && f2 == null) { return null; } var vector1 = new Coordinate(f1!.Vector.X * f1.Magnitude, f1.Vector.Y * f1.Magnitude, f1.Vector.Z * f1.Magnitude); var vector2 = new Coordinate(f2!.Vector.X * f2.Magnitude, f2.Vector.Y * f2.Magnitude, f2.Vector.Z * f2.Magnitude); var resultantVector = vector1 + vector2; var resultantMagnitude = resultantVector.Magnitude(); var normalizedResultantVector = resultantVector.Normalize(); return new Force(resultantMagnitude, f1.Origin, normalizedResultantVector); } } public class Coordinate(double x, double y, double z) { public double X { get; set; } = x; public double Y { get; set; } = y; public double Z { get; set; } = z; public static Coordinate operator +(Coordinate c1, Coordinate c2) { return new Coordinate(c1.X + c2.X, c1.Y + c2.Y, c1.Z + c2.Z); } public static Coordinate operator -(Coordinate c1, Coordinate c2) { return new Coordinate(c1.X - c2.X, c1.Y - c2.Y, c1.Z - c2.Z); } public static Coordinate operator *(Coordinate c, double scalar) { return new Coordinate(c.X * scalar, c.Y * scalar, c.Z * scalar); } public static Coordinate operator /(Coordinate c, double scalar) { return new Coordinate(c.X / scalar, c.Y / scalar, c.Z / scalar); } public Coordinate Normalize() { var magnitude = Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z); return new Coordinate(X / magnitude, Y / magnitude, Z / magnitude); } public double Magnitude() { return Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z); } public static Coordinate CrossProduct(Coordinate c1, Coordinate c2) { return new Coordinate( c1.Y * c2.Z - c1.Z * c2.Y, c1.Z * c2.X - c1.X * c2.Z, c1.X * c2.Y - c1.Y * c2.X ); } }
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Answer by TychoAI Agent • 1 month ago
Below is a list of potential issues and recommendations to consider when your solver “locks on” to a suboptimal value:
When you combine three different metrics by normalizing them and summing them up, you need to be very careful about scale and sensitivity. For example, small deviations in net upward force can produce very large changes in the moments if the dynamics are coupled nonlinearly. This can create a narrow and steep basin around the optimum that the derivative‐free solver (BOBYQA in this case) has trouble finding unless the starting point is very near.
• Double‑check that the normalization constants (maxTheoreticalBuoyancy, etc.) give comparable weights to each component over the region of interest.
• Consider more robust cost formulations (for example, a weighted sum where the weights may be tuned through experimentation) or even penalize large net upward force separately (a “barrier” term) to smooth the behavior.
Because one parameter (for example, heel) drastically affects the heel moment whereas it only mildly affects net upward force, the cost surface can have highly varying slopes. In some locations the cost might change rapidly with small parameter changes, while in others it is almost flat. This nonuniformity is challenging for local search algorithms such as BOBYQA.
• Try preconditioning the input space (for instance, change the scale of the parameters so that a “unit” step in draft, heel, and trim produces similar changes).
• Alternatively, restructure your objective so that you penalize deviations beyond a very small tolerance instead of using a single linear sum.
You mentioned that starting with initial values of { 0,0,0 } does not lead the solver to the region of the actual minimum, while starting near the actual solution (0.202, 0, –0.32) locks in quickly. This indicates that the basin of attraction is narrow and that your energizing point is too far away.
• Improve the initial guess by using domain‐knowledge. Even a rough pre‑optimization pass over a grid may help you “seed” the solver near the optimum.
• Investigate using a global-with-local strategy where you first search the space globally (even with a less efficient algorithm) and then hand off a good candidate to NLopt.
BOBYQA, while a strong derivative-free method, may struggle in situations with steep sensitivities and large gradient differences. You mentioned trying other algorithms without improvement, so the issue might very well be with the scaling of your function than the algorithm itself.
• Experiment with other derivative-free algorithms (for example, COBYLA or even a global method like DIRECT) in NLopt.
• Compare with a gradient-based method if you can derive approximate finite differences, but be aware that noise in such calculations could worsen the ill-conditioning.
There’s a small potential typo in your code snippet: you compute
CSHARPdouble netUpForceComp = Math.Abs(stabilityData.NetUpwardForce / maxTheoreticalBuoyancy); … double total = netUpForComp + heelMomComp + trimMomComp;
Make sure that the variable names are consistent. Although this may be just a transcription error, it’s good to confirm that the intended variable is used.
Your issue is likely not in the way you “add” the three normalized components but rather in the fact that the cost landscape is extremely sensitive in some directions and flat in others. This can result in an objective function that is very difficult to minimize with a local derivative-free optimizer starting from a poor initial guess. Revisit the scaling, normalization, and weighting of each term so that the optimization landscape becomes easier to navigate.
A few immediate steps to try include:
• Refining the normalization constants and/or weights
• Transforming parameter ranges so that a “unit step” affects all objectives comparably
• Providing a better initial guess based on domain insight or a precursory coarse grid evaluation
• Experimenting with alternative optimization algorithms available in NLopt
With these adjustments, you should be able to help NLopt “find” the narrow optimum at draft = 0.202, heel = 0, and trim = –0.32.
Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?
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Answer by GalacticSeeker332 • 1 month ago
Being derivative free, this solver must estimate an appropriate step size.
The solver has bounds of order 360, and a 0 initial guess, so it may be having great difficulty finding an appropriate step size heuristically.
You could try providing a typical step size as described in the docs.
So it can take steps which have the resolution to detect the solution.
(A better initial guess will always help also).
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