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Asked 1 month ago by AsteroidMariner681

Swift SpriteKit Chess: How Can I Fix the Incorrect Piece Movement Logic?

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I'm developing a basic chess game in Swift using SpriteKit, but I'm encountering a logic error where the wrong chess piece is moved. I've implemented a moveSelectedPiece(to:) function that handles piece movement, capturing pieces, pawn promotion, and checks. However, sometimes the incorrect piece is moved. I've also set up an isInCheck(_:) function to verify check status, and mouseDown(with:) to handle user interaction. I've tried validating board coordinates and piece selection, but the issue persists. I'm seeking suggestions on troubleshooting and correctly updating the pieces array so that the intended piece is moved.

Below is the key code for review:

func moveSelectedPiece(to newPosition: (Int, Int)) { guard let pieceToMove = selectedPiece else { return } // Calculate the target position on the board let targetPosition = board[newPosition.0][newPosition.1].position // Check if there is a piece to capture at the new position if pieces[newPosition.0][newPosition.1] != nil { // Capture the piece capturePiece(at: newPosition) } // Create the move action let moveAction = SKAction.move(to: targetPosition, duration: 0.3) // Run the move action { // Update the pieces array let currentPiecePosition = self.pieces.enumerated().compactMap { rowIndex, row in row.enumerated().compactMap { colIndex, piece in piece == pieceToMove ? (rowIndex, colIndex) : nil }.first }.first ?? (0, 0) self.pieces[currentPiecePosition.0][currentPiecePosition.1] = nil self.pieces[newPosition.0][newPosition.1] = pieceToMove // Reset the previous selected square color self.deselectSquare() // Handle pawn promotion if == "whitepawn" && newPosition.0 == 7 { pieceToMove.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "whitequeen") = "whitequeen" } else if == "blackpawn" && newPosition.0 == 0 { pieceToMove.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "blackqueen") = "blackqueen" } // Use pieceToMove instead of selectedPiece self.isInCheck(("white")) ?? false ? "black" : "white") // Reset selectedPiece self.selectedPiece = nil } } func isInCheck(_ side: String, showChecks: Bool = true) -> Bool { guard side == "black" || side == "white" else { return false } print("side is valid! side = \(side)\n") // Find the king's position var kingPosition: CGPoint? = nil var kingBoardPosition: (Int, Int) = (0, 0) for piece in pieces { for piece_ in piece { if piece_?.name == "\(side)king" { kingPosition = piece_?.position print("kingPosition set to: \(kingPosition)\n") for (rowIndex, row) in board.enumerated() { for (colIndex, tile) in row.enumerated() { if tile.position == kingPosition { kingBoardPosition = (rowIndex, colIndex) print("kingBoardPosition set to: \(kingBoardPosition)\n") } } } break } } } guard let kingPos = kingPosition else { return false } print("kingPosition is valid!\n") let originalPiece = selectedPiece // Check if any opponent's piece can move to the king's position for piece in pieces { for piece_ in piece where piece_?.name?.hasPrefix(side) == false { self.selectedPiece = piece_ let moves = evaluateMoves(checkForChecks: false) for move in moves { if board[move.0][move.1].contains(kingPos) { print("isInCheck returns true!") return true } } } } selectedPiece = originalPiece if selectedPiece?.name != "\(side)king" { let defaultColor: SKColor = (kingBoardPosition.0 + kingBoardPosition.1) % 2 == 0 ? .darkGray : .white board[kingBoardPosition.0][kingBoardPosition.1].fillColor = defaultColor } print("isInCheck returns false!") return false } override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { let location = event.location(in: self) let boardRow = Int((location.y + tileSize * 4) / tileSize) let boardCol = Int((location.x + tileSize * 4) / tileSize) // Deselect the previously selected square deselectSquare() if let piece = selectedPiece { // Evaluate the valid moves for the selected piece let validMoves = evaluateMoves(showCheckedChecks: false) // Check if the touch location is one of the valid moves if validMoves.contains(where: { $0 == (boardRow, boardCol) }) { // Move the selected piece moveSelectedPiece(to: (boardRow, boardCol)) // Toggle the turn isWhitesMove.toggle() selectedPiece = nil // Ensure the piece is deselected after the move return } else { // Deselect the piece if the move is invalid selectedPiece = nil } } guard boardCol >= 0 && boardCol <= 7 && boardRow >= 0 && boardRow <= 7 else { return } // Select the piece at the touch location if let piece = pieces[boardRow][boardCol] { // Check if the piece belongs to the correct side if (isWhitesMove &&"white") == true) || (!isWhitesMove &&"black") == true) { self.selectPiece(at: (boardRow, boardCol)) } else { // No piece is selected, ensure selectedPiece is nil selectedPiece = nil } } else { // No piece is selected, ensure selectedPiece is nil selectedPiece = nil } }

If anyone has insights on potential flaws in the piece lookup or updating logic, or suggestions on how to structure the move sequence to avoid these logic errors, please share your thoughts.


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1 Answer

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


Below is an explanation of the logic in your code along with some suggestions for improvements and things to watch for. The code shows three core functions:

  1. moveSelectedPiece(to:)

    • Checks if a piece is selected.
    • Calculates the target position based on the board’s tiles.
    • Captures a piece if one exists at the new square.
    • Runs an animation (via SKAction) to move the piece.
    • Updates your 2D pieces array by first finding the piece’s current index.
    • Resets the selected square’s color.
    • Handles pawn promotion by changing the pawn’s texture and name.
    • Calls isInCheck to toggle check status for the opponent after the move.
    • Resets the selectedPiece variable.
  2. isInCheck(_ side:showChecks:)

    • Verifies that the provided side is either "black" or "white."
    • Searches the pieces array for the king that matches the given side.
    • Once found, the code finds the king’s board position by comparing positions on your board tiles.
    • It then loops over all enemy pieces (pieces whose name does not start with the given side) and evaluates their possible moves.
    • If any move’s target area contains the king’s position, the function returns true to indicate a check.
    • After the evaluation, it restores selectedPiece and resets the tile’s color if the king wasn’t part of the selection.
  3. mouseDown(with:)

    • Converts the click (or tap) location into board coordinates.
    • If a piece is already selected, it evaluates if the new position is a valid move, calls moveSelectedPiece if it is, toggles the turn, and then deselects.
    • Otherwise, it checks that the touched coordinate is within bounds and selects the piece at that location if it belongs to the current side.

Suggestions & Improvements

  • Guard vs. Optionals:
    Your use of guard lets like in moveSelectedPiece is good. You might want to consider early exits when an invalid board coordinate is accessed rather than letting the code run (for example, double-checking that newPosition is within bounds).

  • Piece Position Lookup:
    In moveSelectedPiece, you use a nested enumerated loop to find the current piece’s coordinates. If you keep track of each piece’s board index as a property on your piece class (or struct), you could simplify this update, reducing the need for the double-loop.

  • Animation and Completion Blocks:
    Moving the piece with SKAction.move and performing game state updates in the completion block is effective. However, ensure that any game logic that depends on the piece’s new position (like verifying check status) accounts for asynchronous movement if other animations occur concurrently.

  • Pawn Promotion:
    Currently, the pawn always promotes to a queen when reaching the end of the board. If you plan to support underpromotions (such as knight, rook, or bishop), consider abstracting pawn promotion into its own function where the user can choose the promotion type.

  • isInCheck Implementation:
    When iterating through opponent pieces, you temporarily overwrite selectedPiece to calculate each piece’s moves. If any asynchronous actions or side effects rely on selectedPiece, you might consider alternative design patterns (for example, passing the piece for which you want to evaluate moves as a parameter to evaluateMoves). This way, you avoid potential side effects when switching selectedPiece.

  • Handling User Interaction:
    In mouseDown(with:), you first check a selectedPiece and validate against valid moves. An alternative approach could be to decouple piece selection from move evaluation logic. For instance, track the state (selecting a piece vs. selecting a move location) so that you can give immediate feedback for invalid moves versus simply deselecting the piece.

  • Code Organization:
    Consider organizing your code into smaller helper functions. For example, extracting the code for finding a king by side (or more generally, for converting a CGPoint into board coordinates) may help keep your logic more manageable and make testing easier.

Example Refactored Snippet

Below is an example of refactoring the piece position lookup in moveSelectedPiece. This snippet assumes that each piece might store its board position, which eliminates the need for iterating through the array:

func moveSelectedPiece(to newPosition: (Int, Int)) { guard let pieceToMove = selectedPiece else { return } let targetTile = board[newPosition.0][newPosition.1] // Capture any piece present if pieces[newPosition.0][newPosition.1] != nil { capturePiece(at: newPosition) } // Run move action let moveAction = SKAction.move(to: targetTile.position, duration: 0.3) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } // If your piece model has a boardCoordinate property, update it directly: if let currentPos = pieceToMove.boardCoordinate { self.pieces[currentPos.0][currentPos.1] = nil } pieceToMove.boardCoordinate = newPosition self.pieces[newPosition.0][newPosition.1] = pieceToMove // Reset previous selection self.deselectSquare() // Pawn promotion if == "whitepawn" && newPosition.0 == 7 { pieceToMove.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "whitequeen") = "whitequeen" } else if == "blackpawn" && newPosition.0 == 0 { pieceToMove.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "blackqueen") = "blackqueen" } // Evaluate check: note that this still uses selectedPiece internally. self.isInCheck("white") == true ? "black" : "white") // Deselect after move self.selectedPiece = nil } }

This refactor assumes an updated piece model where each piece stores its current board coordinate. Such encapsulation can make your logic more straightforward.

By keeping the above suggestions in mind, you can refine your game’s logic and ensure it’s both easier to maintain and extend in the future. If you have any specific issues or questions about parts of the code, feel free to ask!

Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?

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