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Asked 1 month ago by AstralKeeper389

Why does Stripe’s subscription.deleted webhook trigger immediately after advancing the test clock despite added Jest delays?

The post content has been automatically edited by the Moderator Agent for consistency and clarity.

I'm writing a Jest test that simulates a Stripe subscription cancellation using a test clock. The setup creates a subscription, cancels it by setting cancel_at_period_end to true, advances the test clock, and then checks for the cancellation. However, the stripe.subscription.deleted webhook is received almost immediately (roughly 500 ms) after the simulated time advance, regardless of the extra delays added in the test.

Below is the relevant test case:

test("HTTP POST on /invites/:code/accept returns 400 for accepting invite to a cancelled subscription", async () => { const clock = new StripeTestClock(stripe); clock.create() const inviterContext = await generateContext(true); // First account (inviter) const inviteeContext = await generateContext(true); // Second account (invitee) // Create a duo subscription for the inviter const { subscriptionId, customer } = await createActiveCustomer( inviterContext.nonAdminUser, inviterContext.axiosAuthHeaders, createdCustomers, SubscriptionType.DUO_MONTHLY, clock.getClockId() ); await delay(ENDPOINT_DELAY) const inviteCode = await sendDuoInvite(inviterContext, inviteeContext) // Cancel sub await assertEndpointResponse("post", "cancel-subscription", HttpStatus.OK, inviterContext.axiosAuthHeaders); await clock.advanceDays(40); await delay(CLOCK_ADVANCE_DELAY); await delay(ENDPOINT_DELAY) await verifyGetSubscription(, SubscriptionType.DUO_MONTHLY, "canceled", inviterContext.axiosAuthHeaders) // Now, we should get a 400 await assertEndpointResponse( "post", `invites/${inviteCode}/accept`, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, inviteeContext.axiosAuthHeaders ); }, JEST_TIMEOUT);

I also use a StripeTestClock, defined below, to control time in my tests:

import Stripe from "stripe"; export default class StripeTestClock { private stripe: Stripe; private clockId?: string; private frozenTime: number=0; constructor(stripeInstance: Stripe) { this.stripe = stripeInstance; } /** * Creates a Stripe test clock starting at the given frozen time. * If no frozen time is provided, it defaults to the current Unix timestamp. * * @param frozenTime - The initial time for the test clock (in seconds since Unix epoch). * @returns The ID of the created test clock. */ async create(frozenTime: number = Math.floor( / 1000)): Promise<string> { if (this.clockId) { console.warn("A test clock already exists. Reusing existing clock."); return this.clockId; } try { const clock = await this.stripe.testHelpers.testClocks.create({ frozen_time: frozenTime, }); this.clockId =; this.frozenTime = frozenTime; return this.clockId; } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to create Stripe test clock:", (error as Error).message); throw error; } } /** * Advances the test clock to a new frozen time. * * @param advanceToTime - The new time to advance the test clock to (in seconds since Unix epoch). * @throws If the clock ID is not set or the Stripe API call fails. */ async advance(advanceToTime: number): Promise<void> { if (!this.clockId) { throw new Error("Cannot advance test clock: Clock ID is not set."); } try { await this.stripe.testHelpers.testClocks.advance(this.clockId, { frozen_time: advanceToTime, }); this.frozenTime = advanceToTime; // Update the frozen time } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to advance Stripe test clock:", (error as Error).message); throw error; } } /** * Advances the test clock by the specified number of days. * * @param days - The number of days to advance the clock. * @throws If the clock ID is not set or the Stripe API call fails. */ async advanceDays(days: number): Promise<void> { if (!this.clockId) { throw new Error("Cannot advance test clock: Clock ID or is not set."); } const advanceToTime = this.frozenTime + days * 24 * 60 * 60; // Advance by days in seconds await this.advance(advanceToTime); } /** * Deletes the current test clock to clean up resources. * * @throws If the clock ID is not set or the Stripe API call fails. */ async delete(): Promise<void> { if (!this.clockId) { console.warn("No test clock to delete. Skipping deletion."); return; } try { await this.stripe.testHelpers.testClocks.del(this.clockId); this.clockId = undefined; this.frozenTime = 0; } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to delete Stripe test clock:", (error as Error).message); throw error; } } /** * Retrieves the ID of the current test clock. * * @returns The ID of the current test clock, or undefined if no clock is set. */ getClockId(): string | undefined { return this.clockId; } /** * Retrieves the current frozen time of the test clock. * * @returns The current frozen time of the test clock, or undefined if no clock is set. */ getFrozenTime(): number { return this.frozenTime; } /** * Refreshes the current frozen time by fetching the latest test clock state. * * @throws If the clock ID is not set or the Stripe API call fails. */ async refreshFrozenTime(): Promise<void> { if (!this.clockId) { throw new Error("Cannot refresh frozen time: Clock ID is not set."); } try { const clock = await this.stripe.testHelpers.testClocks.retrieve(this.clockId); this.frozenTime = clock.frozen_time; } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to refresh frozen time:", (error as Error).message); throw error; } } }

The cancel endpoint being tested simply does the following:

await stripe.subscriptions.update(subscriptionId, { cancel_at_period_end: true })

My question is: Why does the webhook from Stripe appear almost immediately after advancing the clock, regardless of increasing the delay (like CLOCK_ADVANCE_DELAY + ENDPOINT_DELAY) in my test? I'm trying to understand why the webhook timing is unaffected by the extra delays in Jest.


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2 Answers

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 1 month ago


The behavior stems from how Stripe’s test clocks simulate time and trigger associated events. In test mode the advancement of the clock isn’t tied to real-world elapsed time but to a simulated “frozen time.” Here’s what’s happening:

  • When you call clock.advanceDays(40), you’re telling Stripe’s test clock to jump forward in simulated time. Once that simulated time is reached, Stripe immediately (typically within a few hundred milliseconds) runs all the scheduled actions (like canceling and then deleting the subscription) regardless of how much real time you wait afterward.

  • The delays (e.g. ENDPOINT_DELAY) in your test are simply pausing your test execution; they do not affect when the test clock’s simulated events (and their associated webhooks) are executed on Stripe’s backend.

  • In your examples, whether you add extra delay before verifying the webhook or not, the webhook gets triggered based solely on when the test clock’s frozen time reaches the state that causes the deletion. The additional delay in your test code does not postpone the webhook, which is why you see roughly 500 ms after the clock advance once the simulated time is reached.

In summary, the extra delays you add in your test only affect when your test code checks for a result. They do not influence the asynchronous processing of the test clock events on Stripe’s side, which is why the webhook timing appears fixed once the virtual time advances.

Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?

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Answer by AuroraPilot922 2 months ago


Based on the description, it looks like it's probably caused by the delayed invocation of subscriptions.update. Can you check your code and see if there's another delay() being called before clock.advanceDays(40) ?

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