Asked 1 month ago by SolarSatellite092
Why Does curve_fit Return Negative Parameters in the Debye–Callaway Thermal Conductivity Model?
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Asked 1 month ago by SolarSatellite092
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I'm trying to fit experimental thermal conductivity data into the Debye–Callaway equation, but one of the fitted parameters comes out negative despite trying different initial guesses.
I am using literature values (A = 6.73E-43, B = 5.38E-18) as a reference. In my first code, I obtain fitted parameters:
A_fit = 1.417070339751493e-44, B_fit = 1.075485244260637e-15, which are far from expectations. I also tried a second code version by adding an extra scattering parameter (C) in a new term, yet the second parameter still returns as negative. My concern is that the model may be insensitive to initial conditions or could be getting stuck in a local minimum.
Below is the first code snippet for the simple Debye–Callaway model:
PYTHONimport numpy as np from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Constants kb = 1.380649e-23 # Boltzmann constant (J/K) hbar = 1.0545718e-34 # Reduced Planck's constant (J*s) theta_D = 280 # Debye temperature (K) v = 2300 # Average phonon group velocity (m/s) # Define the inverse relaxation times def tau_PD_inv(omega, A): return A * omega**4 def tau_U_inv(omega, B, T): return B * omega**2 * np.exp(-theta_D / (3 * T)) def tau_GB_inv(omega): D = 0.7e-6 # Grain boundary characteristic length (m) return v / D def tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, T): return tau_PD_inv(omega, A) + tau_U_inv(omega, B, T) + tau_GB_inv(omega) # Debye Callaway model for thermal conductivity def kappa_lattice(T, A, B): def integrand(x): omega = x * kb * T / hbar tau_total = 1 / tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, T) return x**4 * np.exp(x) / (np.exp(x) - 1)**2 * tau_total integral, _ = quad(integrand, 0, theta_D / T) prefactor = kb**4 * T**3 / (2 * np.pi**2 * v * hbar**3) return prefactor * integral # Vectorize the model for curve fitting def kappa_lattice_vectorized(T, A, B ): return np.array([kappa_lattice(Ti, A, B ) for Ti in T]) # Example thermal conductivity and temperature data for Ge WQ T_data = np.array([3.0748730372823156, 3.1962737114707203, 3.4441443065638015, 3.785528026732028, 4.043999986888003, 4.524033859711473, 4.902329259251676, 5.270E+00, 5.902534836759174, 6.721645553370004, 7.690683028568884, 9.031E+00, 1.103E+01, 12.811754075061538, 16.07373842258417, 19.67675447459597, 23.951202854256202, 29.710517518825778, 3.684E+01, 45.030707655028536, 56.92469139605285, 6.929E+01, 85.62796640159988, 105.41803279520694, 129.5096325800293, 159.77670578646953, 200.9314386671018, 240.34130109997898, 291.63127697234717]) # Temperature in K kappa_data = np.array([ 0.5021456742832973, 0.5907837911587943, 0.7331309897165834, 0.9570228747931655, 1.1281866396926783, 1.4904675008427906, 1.8682223847710366, 2.1856825810901013, 2.8515011626042894, 4.057791636291224, 5.328111104734368, 7.645627510566391, 11.045409412114584, 14.277055520040301, 19.54065663430087, 24.738891215975602, 28.776422188514683, 32.562485211039274, 33.37572711709385, 32.455084248250884, 28.56802589740088, 24.937473590597776, 20.887192910896978, 17.37073097716312, 14.783541083880793, 12.26010669954394, 9.991973525044475, 8.531955488387288, 7.347906481962733]) # Thermal conductivity in W/mK # Initial guess for parameters A, B initial_guess = [4.75E-42, 1.054E-17] # Curve fitting popt, pcov = curve_fit(kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess, maxfev=8_000) #popt, pcov = curve_fit(kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess, bounds=(0, np.inf)) # Extract fitted parameters A_fit, B_fit = popt # Print the fitted parameters print(f"Fitted parameters: A = {A_fit}, B = {B_fit}") # Generate curve fit data T_fit = np.linspace(min(T_data), max(T_data), 100) kappa_fit = kappa_lattice_vectorized(T_fit, *popt) # Plot the original data, fitted data, and extrapolated data plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(T_data, kappa_data, 'o', label='Experimental data') plt.plot(T_fit, kappa_fit, '-', label='Fitted model') #plt.plot(T_extrap, kappa_extrap, '--', label='Extrapolated (400-600K)') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)') plt.legend() plt.title('Thermal Conductivity Fitting ')
And here is the second modified version using an extra parameter (C):
PYTHONimport numpy as np from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Constants kb = 1.380649e-23 # Boltzmann constant (J/K) hbar = 1.0545718e-34 # Reduced Planck's constant (J*s) theta_D = 483.0 # Debye temperature (K) v = 4618.0 # Average phonon group velocity (m/s) # Define the inverse relaxation times def tau_PD_inv(omega, A): return A * omega**4 def tau_U_inv(omega, B, T): return B * omega**2 * T * np.exp(-theta_D / (3 * T)) def tau_GB_inv(omega): D = 1e-6 # Grain boundary characteristic length (m) return v / D def tau_new_inv(omega, C): return C * omega**2 def tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, C, T): return tau_PD_inv(omega, A) + tau_U_inv(omega, B, T) + tau_GB_inv(omega) + tau_new_inv(omega, C) # Debye Callaway model for thermal conductivity def kappa_lattice(T, A, B, C): def integrand(x): omega = x * kb * T / hbar tau_total = 1 / tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, C, T) return x**4 * np.exp(x) / (np.exp(x) - 1)**2 * tau_total integral, _ = quad(integrand, 0, theta_D / T) prefactor = kb**4 * T**3 / (2 * np.pi**2 * v * hbar**3) return prefactor * integral # Vectorize the model for curve fitting def kappa_lattice_vectorized(T, A, B, C): return np.array([kappa_lattice(Ti, A, B, C) for Ti in T]) # Example thermal conductivity and temperature data for Ge WQ T_data = np.array([31.21198032, 31.63863233, 33.88415583, 36.02698918, 38.39872854, 39.56437842, 43.09065509, 44.50006634, 46.62080745, 43.20705304, 47.77194375, 51.1374173, 53.33894737, 55.68342411, 57.7839973, 60.44084481, 63.31137245, 66.34735373, 69.16983511, 74.09615366, 77.63998236, 82.66616204, 87.95740211, 93.19748533, 99.59297955, 105.6903923, 113.1334233, 120.6776065, 127.0279836, 134.1693093, 141.3911575, 148.1783285, 155.5512459, 162.631427, 169.7085111, 177.378102, 183.5898785, 190.9367188, 197.6917958, 205.7338436, 212.8065032, 220.0698325, 226.7609477, 234.0571384, 241.1287763, 247.8786187, 255.2722521, 262.3425521, 269.4163916, 276.4872816, 283.5510925, 297.1613034, 304.7919793, 311.8668132, 318.9352276, 326.0927208, 333.0893085, 340.164332, 347.2375209, 354.9542919, 362.0246034, 369.0955138, 375.8247965, 383.5799572]) # Temperature in K kappa_data = np.array([ 1.085444844, 1.13592882, 1.176429149, 1.217086899, 1.258678341, 1.305290878, 1.357081371, 1.398857871, 1.26084173, 1.436622858, 1.483042548, 1.528031021, 1.561551609, 1.598710119, 1.632418606, 1.665656346, 1.703762245, 1.742520105, 1.774186181, 1.820109169, 1.855169951, 1.893680154, 1.932568555, 1.962172074, 1.999232142, 2.029595098, 2.0490363, 2.067859052, 2.092450212, 2.119053495, 2.131413546, 2.145488003, 2.158842932, 2.169084281, 2.169487956, 2.184424479, 2.196747698, 2.20620033, 2.217744549, 2.223537925, 2.236483003, 2.258522251, 2.273748326, 2.278514432, 2.28270469, 2.288247862, 2.291668986, 2.298648488, 2.302662675, 2.299560106, 2.311410793, 2.339970141, 2.347949378, 2.349474819, 2.354437976, 2.369869851, 2.378039597, 2.384365082, 2.39183344, 2.395266095, 2.399300875, 2.40766296, 2.409888354, 2.442162261]) # Thermal conductivity in W/mK # Initial guess for parameters A, B, and C initial_guess = [4.75E-43, 3.6979E-19, 1e-16] # Curve fitting popt, pcov = curve_fit(kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess,maxfev=8_000) #popt, pcov = curve_fit(kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess, bounds=(0, np.inf)) # Extract fitted parameters A_fit, B_fit, C_fit = popt # Print the fitted parameters print(f"Fitted parameters: A = {A_fit}, B = {B_fit}, C = {C_fit}") # Generate curve fit data T_fit = np.linspace(min(T_data), max(T_data), 100) kappa_fit = kappa_lattice_vectorized(T_fit, *popt) # Plot the original data, fitted data, and extrapolated data plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(T_data, kappa_data, 'o', label='Experimental data') plt.plot(T_fit, kappa_fit, '-', label='Fitted model') #plt.plot(T_extrap, kappa_extrap, '--', label='Extrapolated (400-600K)') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)') plt.legend() plt.title('Thermal Conductivity Fitting ')
I suspect that the issue might be related either to the optimizer settling in a local minimum or to the lack of physical constraints on the parameters (which can allow negative values). One suggested fix is to add bounds (e.g., bounds=(0, np.inf)) in the curve_fit function to enforce nonnegative values.
Any insights or further suggestions to help ensure the fitting converges to physically realistic parameters would be greatly appreciated!
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Answer by TychoAI Agent • 1 month ago
Below is a discussion of some aspects that could lead to a “negative” (or nonphysical) parameter value when fitting the Debye–Callaway model, along with some suggestions for how to address these issues.
In many physical models (like the Debye–Callaway model), relaxation parameters such as A, B, or any additional scattering constant should be nonnegative. If no bounds are used in the fitting routine, the optimizer may wander into regions with negative values if those regions lower the sum of squared residuals. One way to enforce the constraint is to use bounds in the curve fit:
PYTHONpopt, pcov = curve_fit( kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess, bounds=(0, np.inf), maxfev=8000)
Using bounds ensures that parameters stay in the physically meaningful (nonnegative) region.
Since the model involves an integral (which itself depends on temperature and the parameters) and the optimization landscape may be relatively flat in certain regions, the optimizer can become insensitive to the initial guesses and may settle in a local minimum. Some steps you can take:
(which uses Levenberg–Marquardt by default) struggles, you might try using global optimizers (e.g., differential evolution) to search the parameter space and then refine the solution.Because the Debye–Callaway model includes an integral over a rapidly varying function, make sure that:
) and ensure these are small.Sometimes, numerical issues in the integral evaluation can propagate into the parameter fitting.
Here’s an example snippet incorporating some of the above ideas (using bounds):
PYTHONimport numpy as np from scipy.integrate import quad from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Constants kb = 1.380649e-23 hbar = 1.0545718e-34 theta_D = 280 # or update based on your case v = 2300 def tau_PD_inv(omega, A): return A * omega**4 def tau_U_inv(omega, B, T): return B * omega**2 * np.exp(-theta_D / (3 * T)) def tau_GB_inv(omega): D = 0.7e-6 return v / D def tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, T): return tau_PD_inv(omega, A) + tau_U_inv(omega, B, T) + tau_GB_inv(omega) def kappa_lattice(T, A, B): def integrand(x): omega = x * kb * T / hbar tau_total = 1 / tau_total_inv(omega, A, B, T) return x**4 * np.exp(x) / (np.exp(x) - 1)**2 * tau_total integral, err = quad(integrand, 0, theta_D / T) prefactor = kb**4 * T**3 / (2 * np.pi**2 * v * hbar**3) return prefactor * integral def kappa_lattice_vectorized(T, A, B): return np.array([kappa_lattice(Ti, A, B) for Ti in T]) # Sample experimental data T_data = np.array([...]) # your temperature values kappa_data = np.array([...]) # your thermal conductivity values # Initial guess based on literature initial_guess = [4.75E-42, 1.054E-17] # Use bounds to enforce non-negativity popt, pcov = curve_fit( kappa_lattice_vectorized, T_data, kappa_data, p0=initial_guess, bounds=(0, np.inf), maxfev=8000 ) A_fit, B_fit = popt print(f"Fitted parameters: A = {A_fit}, B = {B_fit}") # Plot the fit T_fit = np.linspace(min(T_data), max(T_data), 100) kappa_fit = kappa_lattice_vectorized(T_fit, *popt) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.plot(T_data, kappa_data, 'o', label='Experimental data') plt.plot(T_fit, kappa_fit, '-', label='Fitted model') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)') plt.legend() plt.title('Thermal Conductivity Fitting')
A negative fitted parameter often implies that the cost function (or least‐squares error) is minimized by an unphysical parameter value. This might be due to the optimizer getting stuck in a local minimum or to the fact that the data are insufficiently sensitive to that parameter in the given temperature range. Applying bounds, experimenting with initial guesses, or trying a global optimization scheme can help ensure that the parameters converge to physically meaningful values.
Feel free to ask if you need more specific advice on any of these points!
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Answer by SupernovaScientist635 • 1 month ago
Your tau_U_inv
function forgot to take into account T
The corrected version should be this:
PYTHONdef tau_U_inv(omega, B, T): return B * omega**2 * T * np.exp(-theta_D / (3 * T))
When I make this change the parameters show
BASHFitted parameters: A = 1.935907419814169e-43, B = 9.770738747258265e-18
which appears to be much closer to the original.
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