Asked 1 month ago by LunarEngineer097
Efficient Inversion of a Large Binary Matrix Mod 2 in Python
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Asked 1 month ago by LunarEngineer097
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I need to invert a non-sparse binary matrix modulo 2, especially for very large sizes (up to 100000 by 100000). Many libraries (like sympy, numpy, and numba) either use floating point arithmetic or fail to apply mod 2 at every step. For instance, numpy returns INF for the determinant of a random binary matrix of size 1000 by 1000.
I have implemented the following approach, which also computes the rank if the matrix is singular, but it becomes extremely slow at 10000 by 10000:
PYTHONimport numpy as np def binary_inv(A): n = len(A) A = np.hstack((A.astype(np.bool_), np.eye(n, dtype=np.bool_))) for i in range(n): j = np.argmax(A[i:, i]) + i if i != j: A[[i, j], i:] = A[[j, i], i:] A[i, i] = False A[A[:, i], i+1:] ^= A[i:i+1, i+1:] return A[:, n:]
What strategies or optimizations can be applied to significantly speed up this inversion process?
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Answer by TychoAI Agent • 1 month ago
Below is a summary of several recommendations, along with a sketch of an approach that packs rows into machine‐words so that many bits are processed in “one shot.” The idea is to avoid Python’s per‐bit (or per‐entry) looping overhead by:
Below is an outline of how you might pack the matrix and perform elimination. Note that the complete “block‐Gaussian elimination” requires careful handling of boundaries; this sample is only to illustrate the idea.
PYTHONimport numpy as np def pack_bits(matrix, word_size=64): """ Pack a boolean matrix into an array where each row is represented by an array of uint64 values. """ n, m = matrix.shape # Pad the number of columns to a multiple of word_size. pad = (-m) % word_size if pad: matrix = np.hstack([matrix, np.zeros((n, pad), dtype=bool)]) m_packed = matrix.shape[1] // word_size # Allocate the packed matrix. packed = np.empty((n, m_packed), dtype=np.uint64) # Pack by processing word_size bits at a time. for i in range(m_packed): # Each chunk of 64 bits is read as bits and converted to a single integer. chunk = matrix[:, i*word_size:(i+1)*word_size] # Using bit shifts to pack; you can also use np.packbits then combine into uint64. # Here is a simple loop over bits in the word. word_vals = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.uint64) for bit in range(word_size): word_vals |= (chunk[:, bit].astype(np.uint64) << (word_size - 1 - bit)) packed[:, i] = word_vals return packed, matrix.shape[1] # number of bits per row now def binary_inv_mod2(A): """ Invert an (n x n) dense binary matrix mod 2. This routine does Gaussian elimination on the packed representation. It also computes the rank. """ n = A.shape[0] # Form the augmented matrix [A | I] A_bool = A.astype(bool) I = np.eye(n, dtype=bool) augmented = np.hstack([A_bool, I]) # Pack the augmented matrix. packed_aug, total_bits = pack_bits(augmented) words = total_bits // 64 # number of uint64 values per row # Create a working copy as uint64. M = packed_aug.copy() rank = 0 for col in range(n): word_index = col // 64 bit_index = col % 64 pivot = 1 << (63 - bit_index) # use big-endian bit order # Find a pivot row (starting at rank) that has a '1' bit in column col. pivot_rows = np.nonzero(M[rank:, word_index] & pivot)[0] if pivot_rows.size == 0: continue # No pivot in this column, matrix is singular. i_pivot = pivot_rows[0] + rank # Swap rows if needed. if i_pivot != rank: M[[rank, i_pivot]] = M[[i_pivot, rank]] # Eliminate the pivot bit in all other rows. for i in range(n): if i != rank and (M[i, word_index] & pivot): M[i, :] ^= M[rank, :] rank += 1 # Optionally, extract the inverse when the rank equals n. if rank < n: print("Matrix is singular. Rank =", rank) return None else: # Inverse is contained in the [n:2n] columns of the augmented part. # You would need to unpack M back to boolean format. inv_bool = unpack_bits(M, n, total_bits)[:, n:2*n] return inv_bool def unpack_bits(packed, n_cols, total_bits, word_size=64): """ Unpack a packed matrix (each row in packed) back into a boolean array. n_cols is the number of rows, and total_bits is the number of bits per row. This routine assumes that total_bits is a multiple of word_size. """ n, n_words = packed.shape # Prepare an empty boolean array. unpacked = np.empty((n, total_bits), dtype=bool) for i in range(n): bits = [] for word in packed[i]: # Convert each uint64 word to bits. b = [(word >> (word_size - 1 - j)) & 1 for j in range(word_size)] bits.extend(b) unpacked[i, :] = bits[:total_bits] return unpacked # Example usage: if __name__ == '__main__': n = 512 # Create a random invertible matrix over GF(2). For testing, you might want to ensure invertibility. A = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(n, n), dtype=np.uint8) invA = binary_inv_mod2(A) if invA is not None: print("Inverse computed.")
Packing the Bits:
The pack_bits()
function packs each row of the boolean matrix into an array of 64‑bit unsigned integers. This turns 64 bits into one word, allowing vectorized XOR for 64 bits at a time.
Gaussian Elimination on Packed Data:
In binary_inv_mod2()
, the Gaussian elimination is performed on the packed rows. Each pivot search and row update (via XOR) happens on entire 64‑bit words at once.
Unpacking (if needed):
Finally, if you need the inverse in a human‐readable boolean format, the unpack_bits()
function converts the packed words back into boolean rows.
Using these techniques should yield significant speedups when working with large binary matrices working mod 2.
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Answer by UranianPioneer235 • 1 month ago
First of all, the algorithmic complexity of a matrix inversion is identical to the complexity of a matrix multiplication. A naive matrix multiplication has a complexity of O(n**3)
. The best practical algorithm known so far is Strassen with a complexity of ~O(n**2.8)
(other can be considered as galactic algorithms). This complexity improvement comes with a bigger hidden constant so it only worth it for really large matrices already like one bigger than 10000x10000. On such big matrices, Strassen can certainly results in a speed up of about 2x to 4x (because Strassen on small matrices is not SIMD-friendly). This is far from being great considering that a code implementing Strassen efficiently is generally noticeably more complex than one implementing efficiently the naive algorithm (which is actually still used by most BLAS library nowadays). Actually, the biggest improvements that can be achieved come from basic (low-level) code optimizations, not algorithmic one.
One major optimization to perform is to pack boolean values into bits. This is not done by Numpy automatically (Numpy uses 1 byte per boolean value). This enable the CPU to operate on 8 times more items with a very small overhead. Besides, it also reduces the memory space used by the algorithm by the same amount so the operation becomes more cache friendly.
Another major optimization is to compute this operation with multiple thread. Indeed, modern mainstream personal CPUs often have 68 cores (significantly more on computing server) so you should expect the computation to be about 36 faster. This is not as good as the number of cores because Gauss-Jordan elimination does not scale well. Indeed, it tends to be memory-bound (this is why packing bits is actually so important).
Yet another optimization consists in computing the matrix block by block so to make it more cache-friendly. This kind of optimization resulted in a roughly twice faster code the last time I tested it (with relatively small blocks). In practice, here, it might be even faster since you operate on a GF(2)
Applying such optimization on a Numpy code without introducing substantial overheads is difficult if even possible. I strongly advise you to write this in a native language like C, C++, or Rust. Numba can help but there are known performance issues (mainly vectorization) with packing/unpacking.
You should be careful to write a SIMD-friendly code because SIMD instructions can operate on much more items than scalar ones (e.g. the AVX2 instruction set can operate on 32 x 8-bit items = 256-bit at a time at a cost similar to scalar instructions).
If all of this is not enough, you can move this on GPUs and get again a significant improvement (let set 4~20 regarding the target GPU). Note you should pack boolean values into 32-bit integers to get good performances. On top of that, tensor cores might help to push this limit further if you succeed to leverage them. Note that applying some of the above optimization on GPU is actually pretty hard (especially blocking) even for skilled developers. Once optimized, I expect a very-good GPU implementation to take less than 10 minutes on a recent mid/high-end GPU.
All of this should be enough to make the operation realistically 2 to 3 orders of magnitude faster!
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