Balancing Forces for Ball Restoration in React Three Fiber
Looking at your code, I can see several issues that might be preventing the balls from returning to their original positions. Here are some modifications to help balance the forces and create the cushion-like effect you're looking for:
1. Fix the RigidBody Access Method
The main issue is how you're accessing the rigid bodies. Your current approach using[colIndex]
is problematic because it doesn't guarantee that the index corresponds to the correct body. Instead, you should use refs to directly access each rigid body:
function Scene() {
const pos = create2DArray();
const rapier = useRapier();
const originalPositions = useRef(pos);
const rigidBodyRefs = useRef([]); // Store refs to all rigid bodies
// Initialize the refs array
useEffect(() => {
rigidBodyRefs.current = Array(pos.flat().length).fill().map(() => createRef());
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const attractorPosition = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
const applyForces = () => {
let bodyIndex = 0;
pos.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
row.forEach((position, colIndex) => {
const rigidBodyRef = rigidBodyRefs.current[bodyIndex];
if (rigidBodyRef.current) {
const rigidBody = rigidBodyRef.current;
const bodyPosition = rigidBody.translation();
// Rest of your force calculation logic...
const interval = setInterval(applyForces, 16); // More frequent updates (60fps)
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [pos, rapier]);
// Render with refs
return (
<Attractor position={0} strength={-1} range={3} />
{, rowIndex) =>, colIndex) => {
const index = rowIndex * pos[0].length + colIndex;
return (
position={[position[0], position[1], position[2]]}
<Sphere args={[0.3]}>
<meshPhysicalMaterial />
<OrbitControls />
2. Implement Spring-Like Behavior
To create a more natural restoration effect, implement a spring-like force that increases with distance:
// Inside your applyForces function
const bodyPosition = rigidBody.translation();
// Calculate distance in the Y direction from the attractor
const distanceY = bodyPosition.y - attractorPosition.y;
// Repulsive force if within a certain range
const repulsiveForceMagnitude = 10;
if (Math.abs(distanceY) < 5) {
// Apply stronger force when closer to attractor
const scaledRepulsion = repulsiveForceMagnitude * (1 - Math.abs(distanceY) / 5);
const repulsionForce = new rapier.Vector3(
// Restorative force toward original position (spring-like)
const originalPosition = originalPositions.current[rowIndex][colIndex];
const distanceToOriginalY = bodyPosition.y - originalPosition[1];
// Spring constant - higher values make a stiffer spring
const springConstant = 0.8;
// Damping factor - higher values reduce oscillation
const dampingFactor = 0.3;
// Calculate spring force (Hooke's Law: F = -kx)
const springForce = -springConstant * distanceToOriginalY;
// Get current velocity for damping
const velocity = rigidBody.linvel();
const dampingForce = -dampingFactor * velocity.y;
// Combined force (spring + damping)
const restorationForce = new rapier.Vector3(
springForce + dampingForce,
// Apply the restoration force
3. Add Damping and Use Gravity
Add damping to the rigid bodies and use gravity to help with the natural return:
// In your Physics component
<Physics gravity={[0, -2, 0]} debug>
<Scene />
// In your RigidBody component
position={[position[0], position[1], position[2]]}
linearDamping={0.5} // Add damping to reduce oscillation
<Sphere args={[0.3]}>
<meshPhysicalMaterial />
4. Use applyForce Instead of applyImpulse
For smoother motion, use applyForce
for the restoration effect rather than applyImpulse
// For repulsion (immediate effect)
// For restoration (gradual effect)
5. Adjust Force Timing and Magnitude
Update your forces more frequently and adjust the magnitudes:
// More frequent updates for smoother motion
const interval = setInterval(applyForces, 16); // ~60fps
// Adjust these values to balance the forces
const repulsiveForceMagnitude = 8;
const springConstant = 0.8;
const dampingFactor = 0.3;
These modifications should help create a more natural cushion-like effect where the balls are repelled by the attractor but gradually return to their original positions. You may need to fine-tune the parameters based on your specific requirements.