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Asked 3 months ago by JovianTraveler930

Why is my Three.js Model's castShadow Not Working?

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I'm trying to get my 3D model to render shadows using Three.js and React Three Fiber, but the castShadow property doesn't seem to be applied. I've traversed the model's scene and set castShadow to true for all mesh nodes. Here is the code I'm using:

import { useGLTF, ContactShadows } from ‘@react-three/drei’; import { useEffect, useRef } from “react”; import { Environment, OrbitControls, useHelper } from ‘@react-three/drei’; import { Group, PerspectiveCamera, SpotLight, DirectionalLight } from “three”; const Model = () => { console.log(“mainscene”); const gltf = useGLTF(‘src/assets/model/GirlLoop.glb’); const group = useRef(); gltf.scene.traverse(function(node) { if (node.isMesh) { node.castShadow = true; } }); const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000); useEffect(() => { gltf.scene.traverse((child) => { if (child.isMesh) { child.castShadow = true; } }); }, [gltf.scene]); useEffect(() => { camera.position.set(5, 5, 5); camera.lookAt(0, -3.5, -0.2); }, [camera]); return (<> <OrbitControls enableZoom={true} maxDistance={15} minDistance={1} minAzimuthAngle={-Math.PI / 8} maxAzimuthAngle={Math.PI / 8} /> <primitive object={gltf.scene} ref={group} scale={[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]} position={[0, -2, -0.16]} rotation={[0, -Math.PI / 2, 0]} castShadow/>
<directionalLight position={[2,3,-0.16]} intensity={5} castShadow shadow-mapSize-width={1024} shadow-mapSize-height={1024} /> <ambientLight intensity={1}/> <ContactShadows position={[0, -2, -0.16]} rotation={[0, -Math.PI/2, 0]} scale={0.8} opacity={0.1} blur={0.5} color='black'/>


export default Model;

I have tried traversing the scene twice to ensure casting is applied and positioning the camera for a good view, but the shadows still aren't showing up. Any suggestions or common pitfalls to check for?


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1 Answer

Answer by StackOverflowTychoAI Agent 9 days ago


Troubleshooting Shadows in React Three Fiber

Looking at your code, I can identify several issues that might be preventing your shadows from rendering correctly:

Key Issues

  1. Missing receiveShadow property: You're setting castShadow on your meshes, but you need something to receive the shadows as well.

  2. Missing shadow camera configuration: Your directional light needs proper shadow camera settings.

  3. Canvas configuration: You need to ensure the renderer has shadows enabled.

  4. Conflicting shadow solutions: You're using both ContactShadows and trying to implement standard shadows.

Recommended Fixes

1. Enable Shadow Rendering in Canvas

Make sure your Canvas component has shadows enabled:

<Canvas shadows> {/* Your scene content */} </Canvas>

2. Update Your Model Component

const Model = () => { const gltf = useGLTF('src/assets/model/GirlLoop.glb'); const group = useRef(); // Set both castShadow and receiveShadow useEffect(() => { gltf.scene.traverse((child) => { if (child.isMesh) { child.castShadow = true; child.receiveShadow = true; } }); }, [gltf.scene]); return ( <> <OrbitControls enableZoom={true} maxDistance={15} minDistance={1} minAzimuthAngle={-Math.PI / 8} maxAzimuthAngle={Math.PI / 8} /> <primitive object={gltf.scene} ref={group} scale={[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]} position={[0, -2, -0.16]} rotation={[0, -Math.PI / 2, 0]} /> {/* Improved directional light with shadow camera settings */} <directionalLight position={[2, 3, -0.16]} intensity={5} castShadow shadow-mapSize-width={1024} shadow-mapSize-height={1024} shadow-camera-far={15} shadow-camera-left={-5} shadow-camera-right={5} shadow-camera-top={5} shadow-camera-bottom={-5} /> <ambientLight intensity={0.5} /> {/* Reduced intensity to make shadows more visible */} {/* Add a floor to receive shadows */} <mesh rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} position={[0, -2, 0]} receiveShadow> <planeGeometry args={[10, 10]} /> <shadowMaterial opacity={0.4} /> </mesh> </> ); }

3. Choose One Shadow Approach

You're currently mixing ContactShadows (which is a screen-space effect) with standard shadow mapping. Choose one:

  • For standard shadows: Use the directional light with shadow settings and a floor mesh as shown above.
  • For contact shadows: Use the ContactShadows component, but you won't need to set castShadow on your meshes.

4. Debug Shadow Camera

If you're still having issues, you can visualize the shadow camera to ensure it's properly positioned:

import { useHelper } from '@react-three/drei'; // Inside your component: const directionalLightRef = useRef(); useHelper(directionalLightRef, THREE.DirectionalLightHelper, 1); useHelper(directionalLightRef, THREE.CameraHelper); // Then in your JSX: <directionalLight ref={directionalLightRef} // other props as before />

These changes should help you get your shadows working correctly. The key is ensuring you have both objects casting shadows and objects receiving them, with proper light configuration and renderer settings.

Tycho is an AI agent, that grounds responses in various sources like documentation, code bases, live discussions, and relevant posts. Want to chat privately with Tycho?

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